A question for LEO's


New member
{{IMPORTANT NOTE - This thread is not cop bashing. It's not intended to be cop bashing so don't turn it into that!}}

I was hoping to get some insight from the LEO's on this board. I'd like y'all to answer and expound on these questions:

- If you stop someone who has a legal CCW, does the gun's make/condition/holster type affect your attitude towards that person?

- Are you more likely to be hard/easy on some with a legal CCW depending on how they look/dress/speak?

Big Don

New member
I passed this post on to a good friend of mine who has been a cop in Southern California for 30+ years. Here's his response:

- If you stop someone who has a legal CCW, does the gun's make/condition/holster type affect your attitude towards that person?

Answer: No. The only thing that matters is the situation and circumstances of why they were stopped. Now if the gun appeared to be unsafe due to it's condiditon I might ensure that I unloaded it and made it clear to the owner why.

- Are you more likely to be hard/easy on some with a legal CCW depending on how they look/dress/speak?

Answer: Partly.

CCW's are fairly rare in CA, and it's even rarer to come across someone armed who has one. I can't recall ever having done so, but have come across a few upright armed citizens without CCW permits. No enforcement action taken, or necessary in those specific cases.

Not so much as how they look or dress, but how they speak (as in attitude) counts a lot. I do believe most licensed folks would advise you that they were armed and had a license right off the bat, just like most off duty LEO's would do (and as I have done).