A question for Kahr owners


New member
The magazine in my Kahr CW9 is a little strange I think.

From the shape of the magazine, the lips hold the first round up at a slight angle, I assume to assist with feeding.

The bullets below the 1st round though, are stacked at different angle. So there is a small gap. If I were to explain it, the gap in space is from the tip of the bullet is large and tapers to the rear, with the rear of the brass case of the bullets touch.

I haven't had any feed problems, but anytime I take the magazine out of the gun when loaded the first round is not quite fully seated in the rear.

Is this normal? Every other weapon I've owned the stacked rounds are all even and touch the full length of the brass casing.


New member
Same thing happens to my PM-9. I thought it was weird too but it doesn't make any problems so dont worry about it at all.


New member
Yep, I've noticed this with my PM9, when un-loading at the gun show (can carry an empty pistol, but not a loaded one). Also when bringing into the range for practice.

Doesn't seem to make any difference; when I slap the mag back in, all the rounds fed just fine.

I quit worrying about it a long time ago.

BTW, my Kahr P45 does not do it, so it appears to be unique to the 9mm Kahrs...


New member

I think that they cannot wait there turn;) However, I have never had a misfeed or FTE so far (about 250 rounds)


New member
This is normal for all Kahr pistols, at least all the 9mm versions.

My early stainless K9 does it too.
Never a stoppage.


New member
OK, that is good to know. I've never experienced any problems either, but I bought my pistol used so I wondered if it was a defective magazine. It seemed a bit strange.


New member
I think its the way the top round is seated that its rim falls into the indented case rim of the round below it. That was what I personally thought, but I don't know if I'm right or wrong. I never had any problems at all with my PM-9 and would def. buy another Kahr.


New member
New Kahr CW9 issue

I just purchased a new Kahr CW9 9mm and put 200 rounds thru it today. About 150 were Blazer/CCI brass and 50 Blazer/CCI aluminum (not reloaded).

The problem started at about 125 rounds, I would pull the trigger with 2-3 rounds left in clip, and trigger was a soft pull, like it was not cocked. I pulled the slid back approx 1/4" and it then fired normally thru the rest of the clip. The slide was fully forward as well. This happened about every clip thereafter and with both brass and aluminum rounds. At least one time each clip I would get the soft pull, and I would not call it a misfire. (maybe there is a more technical name I am not aware of).

I know one needs to break in the pistol for 200+ rounds, however this is not what I would call normal break in issues.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.