A quessing game......


New member
Before we start
>>>>there will be no prizes involved, only the satisfaction of knowing your extractors<<<<<

This one finely took a dump on me.....name the pistola

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New member
Let's see if I can make it work:


Seems like you got the link wrong. I post photos from photobucket all the time. Under the thumbnail image of your photo, just click in the field that says "IMG code". That will automagically copy the URL to your clipboard.

Then, you just paste it in here, and surround it with the IMG tags shown above. Try it again.


New member

We have a winner>>>>>Give that man a cigar.

It is from my CZ75B. Sorry the pic is of such poor quality, as you can tell my photography skills leave a little bit to be desired, I am working on it and thanks for the tips on posting guys. What I really need to do is buy a better camera.

Originally I thought my CZ was having issues with my reloads but after running a bunch thru another 9mm I have, I decided to take a look at the extractor on the CZ and sure enough it was toasted. I bought the CZ used and think this may have been an issue from the beginning. The CZ is one of the best shooting 9's I have and am really glad I was able to resolve the issue. $34 part from ghost and $3 carbide punch from the hardware store, allot easier fix than I thought.
