A possible 2nd amendment test in the making.... ?

The Plainsman

New member
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A right-wing Jewish group is planning an armed anti-terror patrol of Jewish areas in Brooklyn on Sunday night, even if it means arms bearers will be arrested, the rabbi who heads the group said on Sunday.

Rabbi Yakove Lloyd, who founded the Jewish Defense Group in 1985, said he expected between 25 and 40 people to participate in patrols of the Midwood and Flatbush sections of Brooklyn organized after FBI warnings that fuel tanker trucks could be used in possible attacks on Jewish targets.

The group abandoned a plan last week for an armed patrol of Jewish neighborhoods after a public uproar and warnings from the police that anyone attempting to patrol the streets armed with a weapon would be arrested.

The original patrol plan was conceived after CBS News carried an interview with accused bomber Abdul Rahman Yasin, conducted in Iraq, in which Yasin said the group that planted a bomb in a World Trade Center basement in 1993 had initially planned to attack Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn.

Lloyd said the patrol plan was revived after the FBI said gasoline tanker trucks could be used in attacks in the United States or against U.S. interests overseas, with Jewish schools and synagogues as possible targets.

"We're within our legal rights to peacefully assemble and to bear arms," Lloyd said. "Those are our legal rights and we're well within them."

Lloyd said he expected some members of his patrol to be arrested and that his group would have lawyers and bail money on hand in case of arrests.

The rabbi said on Saturday the patrols would begin at 9 p.m., but on Sunday decided to start them three hours later.

"We don't want residents to interfere with us and we figure they'll all be asleep and we could do what we need to do," he said.

http://www.reuters.com/news_article...AE0CFEYKEEATGIWD?type=topnews&StoryID=1122419 or check World Net Daily http://www.worldnetdaily.com/.

Gung Ho. These are MY kinda folks. ;)


New member
Up until a couple of weeks ago, I was becoming more optimistic about the prospect of the government deciding to recognize the constitution. The Supreme Court won't hear 2nd amendment cases. Our only hope of regaining our rights is through the legislature, and since morons' votes count the same as ours, there is no hope in that area either.

Brett Bellmore

New member
I still think we could get the Supreme court to take a Second amendment case, by making their lives personally miserable by picketing their HOMES, insulting billboards along their commutes, letter writing campaigns, and the like, until they end this boycott. But they're sure not going to take a 2nd amendment case until they suffer personal repercussions for the failure.


New member
Brett when you writer your letters and put up your billboards make sure to tell them you're from HCI. We want them to have the proper frame of mind when they're so irritated they take a case just to get rid of the gadflies. :)