A Poll and scenario! What could BE more fun?

A .22, .25 or .32 mouse gun is all you have and you're beng attacked. Do you ...

  • Use the mousegun! Probably change his mind. At least ruin his day.

    Votes: 78 100.0%
  • Throw it down! Too dangerous to use such a small caliber. It'd just tick him off!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Garand Illusion

New member
There are quite a few defenders as well as detractors of mouse guns for civilian carry on this forum. There are a lot of lengthy threads on the subject (about 1/2 as many as 9mm vs. .45, but plenty) so no point in rehashing all of that with another.

But the only question here is ... if a BG is coming at you, would you rather have a mousegun or no weapon at all? For the purposes of this poll, we're assuming a .22, .25 or .32. Since there are a rare few who don't consider the .380 a mousegun, let's leave it out.

For those of you who carry mouse guns as bugs, assume your primary has been knocked away and you're down to your secondary, already in your hand, as the BG is reaching for a gun in his belt. Throw the mousegun down or use it?

For those who carry mouseguns as primary ... no special conditions. You already have your gun out and the BG is reaching for his.

For those who would never own a mousegun, assume you've been disarmed in some manner, but managed to grab up a small caliber weapon thrown to the ground by someone else. Would you use it or ignore it?

How is this a question? To prove that any gun is better than no gun? Most people already know that, even those who hate mouseguns. Use whatever to your advantage...be it fists, feet, OC, knife, gun.

I am sure with someone drawing on you...everyone will select the use of a firearm, even if only a small caliber is available.

Garand Illusion

New member
I would think so too, three five. But I have seen people talk about mousguns this disparagingly.

I guess if you vote for mousguns, you are implying at least some level of respectability for the small/relatively weak cartridge.

There was no point in posting a poll about what you carry, because many of us respect the mousegun without choosing it as a normal carry weapon.

I don't know if I can edit the poll questions, but if anyone has a better thought on questions we can try again.


New member
It seems to me that I recall people referring to those mouse guns as being "at least better than a pointy stick". Well, since a pointy stick is better than nothing at all (which is what you would have if you threw the mouse gun down), and a mouse gun is better than a pointy stick, it seems that it would make all sorts of sense to use the mouse gun.

Also, what keeps the BG(s) from picking up that mouse gun and using it on you? I mean, it may not make for a very good SD arm, but it can still kill -- I mean, I'd really rather not get shot by my own gun, even if it is a mouse gun. Or what keeps the BG(s) from using it to hold up/assault/kill the next poor victim(s)? Or hocking it for drug money? Or whatever. It seems to me that if you were even contemplating not bringing it into action, you really should NEVER go out of your way to just turn it over to the BG(s).


New member

Just the threat of a gun pointed at someone (BG) or drawn deters many. If it didn't deter them, them empty the mag and get the hell out of there and call 911. Mouseguns can and might serve the purpose if they are reliable. If someone is in a situation where some cracked out lunatic is charging at them, and one shot is the only shot they will get off, how confident would they be with a .22, .25., 32. A .25 cal is known to bounce off the human skull. If you squeeze the trigger and do not hear the bang, then you are in deep ****. Just my opinion and thoughts...

model 25

New member
That's all I am going to carry, heck I threw away my 1911 and went down and bought a 22 LR mini revolver. Now I am safe.



New member
Grand Illusion, . . . you have probably read where I have stated this before, but just for the record: my son has a Browning Buckmark .22 semi auto pistol.

Up to 30 feet, . . . I (and most anyone else who will practice a bit with it) can put 10 rounds easily within a 6 inch diameter circle with that pistol.

It is my backup when my .45 is not available, . . . and I don't feel the least bit undergunned.

Using a mousegun makes for head shots only, . . . and there is just a whole bunch of stuff in that head that hurts so easily, . . . bleeds so profusely, . . . and can ruin the BG's day so quickly. Just remember to use solid point rounds and carry a backup magazine, . . . that's what I do.

May God bless,


A mousegun beats nothing.

I think of the mousegun as a specialized weapon. With such small calibers, I would go for a head shot. .22, .25 & .32 are too weak to produce reliable results with center of mass hits. You might get results if you empty the weapon into your attacker, but IMHO you are better off taking the head shot.

The best plan is to carry a mouse gun as a back-up to a pistol whose caliber begins with the number four.:D :D


New member
The throwing down guns reminds me of the shootout scene in some action movies (Matrix, Commando) Bang, Bang, Bang....ohh guns empty...do I reach for another clip...nahhh I'll just drop the gun and reach for another gun..Bang...bang...bang.. oppsss time to drop another gun. All I say to myself is he just dropped a $1600 assault rifle...now he just dropped a $800 handgun, a $300 shotgun. I would be the guy after the fight just picking up the booty.

A weapon is a weapon...and a bullet to the face is a bullet to the face.


The switching of handguns, instead of reloading, used to be called the "New York reload". It was more prevalent when revolvers ruled, and drop pouches were the best means available to carry spare ammo.

As for the mousegun, use it, fill him up with a face full of bullets. It'll soften him up for the fistfight that follows. The rush of blood into his eyes from the head wounds should help.:)


New member

:eek: Why would you ever throw down a loaded gun in the face of a deadly threat simply because of it's caliber?
I don't know of anyone who would try and figure out what kind of gun you were pointing at them anyway.


New member
Empty mousegun into face....

The mouse that roared! If the blast of the mighty .22 LR does not stop the BG, perhaps the hot lead will at least blind him temporarily.

Throw the mousegun if you have emptied the magazine and BG is still coming. Then follow up with some punches to the face and a foot to the knee.:D


except maybe an airgun...
Believe it or not, there was a post on another forum in which a person related being attacked. He defended himself with, among other things, a CO2 pellet gun. While he was successful, I wouldn't recommend following his example...


New member
Shoot him in the face, while he is trying to get the tears out of his eyes go get the big gun. Why would a person have a mousegun if they didn't intend to use it?

Blackwater OPS

New member
.22 to the head is probably more deadly than a .45 to the chest. They tend to bounce around inside the skull as well. This is a no brainer.