A Place for Enthusiasts


New member
This is kind of a rant and kind of a need for information.

I live in arguably the most liberal left wing city in Kansas, and while I support the diversity of it it can be annoying in some ways.

For example; around here if I tell someone that I am an avid shooter and gun afficiando I almost always get a look like I am some kind of trigger happy psychopath looking to kill. Its to the point where I almost don't share my firearms hobby with people I meet because as soon as I mention it I am the next spree killer in their eyes.

Last year I brought back some pheasant to clean and several people asked me why I felt the need to kill a bird (true story).I even get odd looks when I buy .22lr ammo at Wal-Mart. Every once in a while I am pleasently surprised by a fellow enthusiast but this is a rarity.

I know I am generalizing and this makres me sound like some kind of bigot (I swear I'm not) but this seems to be overwhelmingly the case.

My question is where do you guys go to just talk guns without being judged (for lack of a better term)? Mods I realize how this post could come off so do as you feel nessisry.:eek:
Lawrence, right? Don't feel too bad, it's spreading. Dicks in Manhattan took down my birth date last night when I was buying 22LR and entered it into their computer. No more ammo from Dicks for me.


New member
I hope you told them that the bird you killed is more delicious than any chicken they'll ever get at the supermarket. :D

I come to here and a local forum mostly. Through the local forum, I've had the opportunity to meet some fellow enthusiasts.


New member
Originally posted by: Crazy88Fingers
Your local gun shop might be a good place to start.

There actually is no gun shop. There is a pawn shop or two but thats about as close as it gets unless I wanna drive for an 1.5 hours.

And yeah berettaprofessor, Lawrence. That easy to tell huh?


New member
Wow! No LGS in middle america! Where are we going as a country?

That said, I see this attitude quite a bit. The key is to bond with those who are pro-freedom and apply subtle pressure to those who are not. It is the little things like talking about learning to shoot with 2-3. Then ask someone if they have shot before.

Then offer some free or free except ammo. Once you get them started, it is pretty easy to keep them going. This is how you win the group over and silence the sheep.

Another favorite is to discuss home invasions from the news. Just ask then their plan? It probably goes something like comply, hope they leave, bend over and kiss butt goodbye! Oh yea and call police if still alive. Then suggest your plan which might sound like dog barks, grab gun and light, tell intruders to leave, shoot any non-compliant. Ask which sounds better.


New member
does the guy have an FFL?

Probably a 'Kitchen Table' guy, or works out of his garage, etc.....

My point of the map was that it does not look like the kind of LGS where you stop by just to browse, and 'chew the fat'...


Not a whole lot of money in "Chewing the fat" ..... being as how you can do that on the internetz for FREE......