A peculiar gun control web site


New member
I read through most of the stuff, and right now i am so dizzy from all the spin, I think I wll sit down and "toss my lunch" into the trash bin.

I couldn't really figure out their position on RKBA


New member
Can't view it here...

"Not Found - The requested URL /text/text1.js was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request." :(


New member
>>...can anyone make sense of it?<<

In a word - no.

All his(?) comments regarding the NRA's lack of involvement in safety issues/training illustrate a total ignorance of the facts. He seems to believe that the only thing the NRA does is their political activity and he has no clue as to all the safety training (Eddie Eagle, etc.) that the NRA does. Comes across as a psuedo-intellectual know-nothing.



New member
The page flashes for a moment and then goes to the 404 page. An attempt to use the "back" button simply repeats the process. Maybe this is a Netscape problem????


New member
Apparently his clown has a "test" he makes you take to get on the forum page at: http://www.the-indigestible.com/forums/GCN_Feedback_Forum/acid-test.html . If you hit the "stop" button on your browser and then backspace over the "acid-test.html" portion of the address, you can get to the forum without taking his stupid "test".

Better yet, just click here: http://www.the-indigestible.com/forums/GCN_Feedback_Forum

I tricked my way onto the page and posted the following:
You equate the Gay issue to the firearms issue but you seem to have no knowledge of the Pink Pistols who are Gay and armed against abuse. Are they wrong?

Matthew Shepard was murdered by people who hated Gays. Would he have been wrong to have carried a firearm for his protection? Are the Pink Pistols wrong?

You state that the pro-firearms genre always trots out Hitler, et al, as examples of gun control gone bad. Should we ignore these historical facts? Are the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (J.P.F.O.) http://www.jpfo.org wrong?

You state that the NRA is not doing its part by demanding that firearms be kept from the hands of children. Have you not heard of the NRA's Eddie Eagle program which teaches young children to "Stop! Don't touch! Leave the area! Find an adult!" if they encounter a firearm? Are they wrong?

You state that the NRA is not placing firearms safety commercials on TV. The TV stations will not accept advertising from the NRA. Are they wrong?

The courts have ruled that children are citizens of the United States and are to be afforded all of the rights and protections of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment is one of those rights. Are the courts wrong and, if so, when should a child be afforded the aforementioned rights and protections?

The federal government has issued reports that school violence is not as prevalent as the nightly news would make it seem; and that schools are the safest place for children. Are these federal government reports wrong?

The Uniform Crime Statics report from the FBI shows that more than half of the firearms fatalities in the United States are self inflicted. Are the statistics wrong?

The statistics issued by the Centers for Disease Control show that firearms deaths among children from 0-14 do not even make the top ten causes of deaths for children in that age group. The top causes are automobiles. drownings, etc. Are these statistics wrong?

According to these same statistics, automobile deaths are the leading cause of accidental death for all age groups. Should automobiles be regulated as closely as firearms -- mandatory locking devices, horsepower limits, engine size limits, owner liability for misuse, etc? Are these statistics wrong?

It is shown by statistics that in those states where concealed carry has been instituted, crime decreases. Are these stats wrong and what do you have to refute them?

You state "The NRA could learn a little from history: Silence = the repeal of Amendment Two." If it is repealed, should the Ninth Amendment, which states "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." be repealed also so we cannot claaim the right to arms as a right "retained by the people"? Is the Bill of Rights wrong?

Think about what I have posted. Call your local TV station and ask for Marketing and ask them if they will accept an ad from you and that you represent the NRA. Be ready to be hung up on. If you want to see ads go to http://www.citizensofamerica.org/ and click on the "Hear/Download COA Radio Ads" link.
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New member
Hmmmm...After glancing at the page, I've decided to give this guy's opinions the same careful thought and consideration as I did the poo I flushed down the toilet this morning.

- Gabe


New member
HEY! That bloody site dumped something called Shockwave in my system as soon as I clicked it. What the heck is it and can I kill it?


New member
To be a bit more kind:

At least this guy shows some evidence of having actually THOUGHT about the issue, rather than just accepting what he has been spoonfed. Some excerpts:
Second there is no harm in a law-abiding responsible citizen owning as many firearms as he wishes. These people, as noted above, are not the ones causing the problems. Nor are Smith & Wesson, Winchester, Colt, Remington and so on; this is just one reason I detest lawsuits against gun manufacturers based on the actions of some purchasers. In a free society the seller of a legal product ultimately has no control over how the purchaser uses it, and should never be held responsible for abuses of others in legal trade.

Finally, though, there is a slim possibility that a government presiding over an unarmed citizenry might become despotic. It has happened before, and could happen again, and we can't simply let ourselves be disarmed to a person and hope that the mistakes of history will not be repeated.

It's just not that simple. We are not living in an idyll.

I am not saying that threat of armed revolt is the only thing keeping a tyrant from rising to power in the US; nor am I saying that I am so paranoid as to believe it would inevitably happen if we were all disarmed.

But you do have to admit an armed populace is a hell of a deterring factor.

Like most people who are not in our fraternity, he seems a bit conflicted in what it is he really believes. He sees a problem, and doesn't know what the solution is, he just wants something to change.
He is a bit ignorant with regard to the NRA though.

One VERY common thread among gun control advocates:

When I was 24 and at a bar, I was physically assaulted by a fraternity student. I went home and got my gun. Then I reported this person to the police. I am still unsure how, but rationality did in fact kick in and I did not carry that revolver back to the bar (which was less than 100 yards from my apartment). Had I done so I would surely have killed that young man. His life would have ended that evening and mine would have been irrevocably shattered.

In other words, "I know I can't be trusted with a gun, so neither can you."