A New Years Resolution to Think About


New member
Yes, I know its early but the more I look at the world around me the more I think what I am about to present here is important.

Every day the political world that I will not dive into tries to chip away at large and small blocks of our personal freedoms and our right to bear arms.

This treaty thats being discussed at the Hague convention even includes provisions that would classify the personal weapons (rifles, pistols) that you may own in the same category as nuclear weapons. All of these weapons would be destroyed and this has already happened in at least one country (including your personal firearms).

I am in no way making this up nor am I trying to do anything other than create an awareness that some of what is being put forth as a environmental concern has nothing to do with the environment.

In this case its about the posibility of taking your arms away under international treaty and circumventing the constitution.

Part of how we have arrive to the place we are now at today is because so many people see no need for guns. The problem is most of these people have never held a gun nor have they ever fired a gun. Most of the anti gun people have never been to a range and shame on us because we have never invited them.

We need to invite our neighbors and friend out for a safe, supervised day on the range and we have a responsibility to let them know why the right to bear arms is important. We need to help them become familiar and safe with firearms.

Without the 2nd ammendment there is no guarntee of any other ammendment. All can be taken if you have no right to bear arms.

If we are to ever secure our right to bear arms now is the time and a warm handshake and a ongoing invitation to all those who do not bear arms to go to the range would do much for all of us. Make talking about going to the range the part of at least a weekly conversation until they go and discover how much fun the responsible use of a weapon can be.

It is my New Years resolution to invite as many people as I can in the coming year and to stay after them until they do come. I hope that at least some of you will consider doing so too.

Its alot like driving a car, your scared until you get to do it and know what its about, firearms are exactly the same... Both take a lot of responsibility but when used properly they bring many benefits.



New member
I agree 100%, I've actually introduced 4 people in the last few months who have never shot or even held a firearm, one was from Denmark where guns are prohibited. She was a great shot, much better than her husband! :D Two of these people are now owners and one has his CCW permit, although he doesnt carry yet, he want more range time and safety training.