A new twist on an old quote


Member In Memoriam
Heard of a TRT lady in FL who had an abreviated version of this on her T-shirt. Only passed on by word of mouth to me & I "livened it up" a bit. A couple minutes worth is what you see.

Any wordsmiths out there care to tackle this & make it ship-shape?

It's a start & I believe could be very powerful. (not too shabby as is)

A new twist on the old "and when they came for me, there was noone else to speak ... "

"When they came for the Tenth Amendment, I said nothing. I am an individual and what do states rights mean to me?

When they stole the Ninth Amendment, I again was silent. It is confusing.

They bastardized the Eighth with RICO provisions, zero tolerance and confiscatory laws. I was again silent because I am a law-abiding citizen and they do not apply to me.

The Fifth has been trashed (through land grabs, etc.) ... never applied to me. I never said a thing.

Through more common use of sobriety checks, random drug stops/searches and no-knock warrants, The Fourth has been shredded. I'm not a druggie so I again said not a word.

I don't own an assault weapon and believed that handguns are a tool of the criminals. The Second is a memory and I spoke not.

Now, when I have finally woken to the true meaning behind all the first Ten Articles - The Bill of Rights - and want to speak out with all my heart, I cannot. You see, The First is now gone as well and I am not allowed."


New member
They came for the 10th Amendment. I am not a state or other citizens, so I said nothing.

They came for the 9th Amendment. I had no need of other rights, so I said nothing.

They came for the 8th Amendment. I am not a criminal, so I said nothing.

They came for the 7th Amendment. I did not desire to sue, so I said nothing.

They came for the 6th Amendment. I have not been accused, so I said nothing.

They came for the 5th Amendment. I have not been compelled to speak or deprived of posessions, so I said nothing.

They came for the 4th Amendment. I have nothing to hide, so I said nothing.

They came for the 3rd Amendment. I have not been compelled to quarter a soldier, so I said nothing.

They came for the 2nd Amendment. I do not have a weapon, so I said nothing.

They came for the 1st Amendment. I wished to speak, but they silenced me.

I wish to overthrow this tyrrany, but they forbid me weapons.

I wish to plot and prepare, but they have compelled me to quarter a soldier.

I wish to hide my actions, but they search my home and seize my posessions.

I wish to keep silent about my deeds, but they compel me to testify against myself.

I wish to defend myself, but the lone judge will not let me bring witnesses or counsel.

I wish to appeal to the wisdom of my fellow citizens, but I have no jury.

I wish to pay for my transgression, but the fine is excessive and punishment cruel.

I wish to claim rights not listed, but they are denied.

I wish the aid of fellow subjects, but they have no right to act.

Rights undefended became rights denied, now no right can defend what I did write.

[This message has been edited by ctdonath (edited May 22, 2000).]