A new term for the forum: GAS


New member
All -

I thought I'd share a concept from a different forum I frequent (dedicated to bass guitarists) that certainly applies here.

GAS: or "Gun Aquisition Syndrome." Simply put, GAS is the irrational desire to get more and more guns for no good reason other than "Hey - it was there!"

The formula for GAS is: Y = X + 1, where Y is the number of Guns you want and X is the number of Guns you have.

Somehow, I think many of us are afflicted with this - I know I am! :D

Don Lu

New member
How bout Y= X + (Y-X)???

the original formula works better, b/c the # number of guns you want (Y) can vary depending on who is using the formula. In order to keep it standard so it is universal we'd have to stick w/Y = X + 1.

By the way, I think I have GAS. :eek:

Omega Man

New member
I've had GAS for a long time now. I thougth I was alone, glad to see I have so much company. Now if I could only give my wife Gas.


New member
Just one more than you currently have? Kind sir, there are at least 15 guns I want that I don't have, and that's just off the top of my head :).


New member
Invalid formula

ZombieSteve said:
How bout Y= X + (Y-X)???

To prove a formula you write it as Y over X+(Y-X) equals 1

Now if Y is greater that X the equation will always be equal to 1 no matter what number Y or X is.

However if Y is greater than 1 and if X is greater than Y the equation will NEVER be equal to 1.

Therefore the formula is invalid.


New member
it really became a problem when I got my colt 1991. I was planning on changing out some parts and change the look a little, then I shot it and now I'm thinking of leaving it alone and tricking out a different pistol...


New member
The rate at which one acquires is limited only by the size of the recreation fund, and the incidence of how often one runs into one of the items on the acquisition list.


New member
I think i have the syndrome:eek: but i dont want the cure:cool:
another fix for gas is to pass.


New member
One temporary fix for GAS is to FART. Find Another Revolver Today!

THANK YOU TREG!! That is definitely the correct treatment (there is NO CURE)! I have one auto, a 1911, and I feel that is enough. But I will never have enough revolvers! So join in my friends, FART and feel better!! :eek::D:p


New member
I have found that another action that often helps to alleviate the acute pressures of GAS is to CRAP!

Cache Rifles, Ammo, and Pistols.

This sure beats working!