A new take on self defense...

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CNN has dash cam footage of an assistant English professor being arrested for jaywalking and having it take a fairly horrible turn.

I was especially interested when I heard she's claiming she kicked the uniformed officer in the shin after she was cuffed "in self defense".

Can one of you pros from Dover refresh my memory on the can't self defense yourself against LEO's (once you know they're a LEO) doing their job stuff? Is that common law? Something else that varies but is still pretty standard from State to State? Is there a latin phrase I should be but am failing to remember?

On an additional note, I'm thinking about creating a new business advising people just how to react when police try to arrest you in the best way to not get your butt whooped and retain the ability to lodge complaints and file suits. Who wants to help?

Don't back talk.
Acknowledge you are complying against your will, or things are being done without your consent.
Don't resist.
Ask them what their reason is for stopping you.
Ask them if you're free to go.
Don't kick the officer that arrested you in the shin.

OK that last one may have been a little flippant, but does anyone have any others? It occurs to me there's a right way, and a wrong way to do this sort of thing, and we don't get to see the right way on camera very often as those get settled out of court fast.
JimDandy said:
CNN has dash cam footage of an assistant English professor being arrested for jaywalking and having it take a fairly horrible turn.
Interesting that she initially went for the old "Do you know who I am?" routine. I wonder how many times it has worked for her.
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