A NEW shotgun used in attack in France?

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New member
I just saw an onlooker at the French atrocity identify one of the weapons used as a "Kalashnikov pump-action shotgun". Now I know there are pump-action shotguns, and I know that there are Kalashnikov shotguns. But I've never heard of a "Kalashnikov pump-action shotgun". Perhaps it's made by the same people who make the "semi-automatic revolver" of which the press was fond to report?
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Probably a certain amount of truth to it.....
Izhmash, Izhevsk, and Kalashnikov merged in mid 2013 under the name Kalashnikov Concern.


MP-133 pump from Izhevsk Mechanical. Now a part of Kalashnikov Concern


Baikal semi-auto shotgun (formerly of Izhevsk Mechanica) is now a Kalashnikov brand product.


Izhmash KS-K (Special Carbine with box magazine) semi-auto

Pond James Pond

New member
The Saiga 12 semi-auto shotgun, even from a moderate distance, is also a dead-ringer for an AK-47, particularly is the witness was not very experienced in firearms. Although it is pretty clearly not a pump-action.

I sincerely hope they find those responsible.


New member
Cell phone vid posted on NBC's website pretty clearly shows AK's and chest rigs for magazines. Typical gear for jihadists, sad to say.

Im amazed we have not seen more if these kind of attacks here in the US.

Is that because of our citizens easy access to weapons or is that easy access a reason to worry it could happen here?

How many of you CCW with the thought this could unfold around you while at the mall, your kids soccer game or in Wal-mart??


New member
How many of you CCW with the thought this could unfold around you while at the mall, your kids soccer game or in Wal-mart??

Sadly I suspect most of us think about this. However, we need to remember it probably won’t be the CCW that prevents these attacks, but better intelligence. If something like this happened in an American mall the best we could hope for is to escape not to stop a determined group of well armed terrorist.


New member
Reports talk of 3 terrorist but the footage Iv seen only show good pics of 2 of them and they seem to have all black AK type firearms . I have looked into several European Countries gun laws but I have no idea how easy it is to get firearms in France . All reports I have heard do mention a 12ga pump action shot gun .
As far as it happening hear Im sure it will . Im also sure if it were stopped in progress it would be a armed citizen unless there happens to be a Cop on seen when it starts . Anything later would be to start a investgation . All the talk of armed citizens not getting involved due to fear of leagal issues or fear makes me think that alot of firearm guru's havn't kept up with how many crimes are stopped and lives saved by firearm owners . When seconds count the police are miniutes away . Most of the time .
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Sharkbite said:
How many of you CCW with the thought this could unfold around you while at the mall, your kids soccer game or in Wal-mart??
I do. In fact, for the pas few years that has been my number one reason for carrying. People tell me I'm paranoid and wearing a tin foil hat, but you know what they say:

"Just be cause I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me."

It simply defies logic to suppose that there aren't huge numbers of sleeper cells around the U.S. The only question is -- what's going to set them loose? Where and when will be impossible to predict, which is why we have to be prepared. (Boy Scout motto.)


New member
Sadly I suspect most of us think about this. However, we need to remember it probably won’t be the CCW that prevents these attacks, but better intelligence. If something like this happened in an American mall the best we could hope for is to escape not to stop a determined group of well armed terrorist.

Better intel would prevent attacks, not stop one in progress.

Im not advocating a CCW response to this kind of event. That is problematic in the extreme. Being mistaken by first responders is just the tip of that iceburg. Your ability to recognize other CCWers and not have a blue on blue encounter is another problem.

I was just wondering how many have thought this scenario over and have a plan in mind.

With this being a religious war (at its core), does anybody have any special thoughts about how to deal with an attack on your church service?

Evan Thomas

New member
We're straying quite far from the topic of the thread, which has to do with the guns used in the attack. As is typical of the early reporting following mass shootings, descriptions of the weapons used vary widely, from "a shotgun and a rifle" to "automatic weapons" to "automatic rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher." Given that reporters are often inaccurate in these matters, it's quite possible that the rifle or rifles (which are consistently described as AK47s) will turn out to be semi-automatic.

Let's also keep in mind that this was a carefully targeted attack, not just on a magazine but on specific individuals for whom the attackers asked by name. Comparisons to random attacks on shopping malls and attacks on churches aren't relevant here.


New member
Whether this was a planned attack or an act of random violence, doesnt make a bit of difference if you and/or your family happen to be standing in the lobby when it goes down.

Same thing as quoting odd of it happening. Make NO DIFFERENCE if you are the 1 out of the 1000. Youre still standing on the X when it goes down.

Evan Thomas

New member
Whether this was a planned attack or an act of random violence, doesnt make a bit of difference if you and/or your family happen to be standing in the lobby when it goes down.
Nonetheless, this thread is about a specific event; discussion of other attacks, real or imagined, is off-topic.


New member
How many of you CCW with the thought this could unfold around you while at the mall, your kids soccer game or in Wal-mart??

I think of it often and believe something similar as such will happen at some point, as terrorists become more brazen and desperate for media coverage. I believe that altho it has it's faults, that The Department of Homeland Security is a deterrent and has stopped some of the threat when conspiracies of these types of threat have been outted. The Paris attack tho was not a random terrorist attack. It was targeted at a specific place with specific victims with the pretense of righting a wrong. Terrorism generally has random victims that are chosen not for revenge, but to create the most fear from the survivors and general population. The only good thing about such random attacks are that the odds of you or yours becoming victims is relatively small. Those victims of the Paris attack knew they were a potential target and had been targeted before.


New member
Maybe the odds might be greater than you realize, buck. It blew my mind when I found out how many jihadi training camps are in the US. One of them is even close by, verrry close!!!!!

I searched: jihadi training camps in GA


New member
The fact that we carry concealed pistols, is not a bad thing, we, any of us, might end up going against a threat?

We sure as sugar better off with a 9mm pistol, loaded to capacity, than just a cell phone.
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