A New Pup followed me home...P22


New member
Well I don't know how many of you are familiar with the rather small chain of sporting goods store called Gander Mountain but I went there yesterday because I had a $100 gift card I needed to use that was a gift. They usually over price everything so I don't go there much. Anyways I ended up coming home with a brand new Walther p22 5 inch model with the cool looking stabilizer on it. I figured it would be an OK enough practice piece that was close to my HK USP. DA/SA, trigger guard mounted mag release, safety, and the stabilizer makes it about the same length as my USP. The grip is small but fits my hand like a glove, haven't gotten to shoot it yet but cant wait to. Going to upload some pics later.

One thing I was wondering is should I just start out trying Federal Bulk pack, or should I run some mini mags and stuff through it first to maybe break it in a little better? Preferably I like American Eagle rounds which I think are made by Federal? I could be wrong.


New member
P22 is a fun gun to have. I have the 5 inch too...in OD green.

I ran Federal and CCI rounds right out of the box. No need to break it in.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I have a P22 and it was great up until around 1500 rounds. Now I get all types of failures. It's sitting in a box waiting to go back to S&W, I cant wait till I have it back and running again.


New member
Good onya HK

P22's are great little guns :D Chicks love borrowing it too which is a plus :cool:

I have shot 2000+ thru mine, the first 300 or so, it had various teeny weeny problems, but I was still trying to find the best ammo it liked. (as well as 'run it in' at the same time)

I found the best ammo (for mine) is CCI standard velocity solids. It gobbles them day in, day out and is suprisingly accurate to boot. I use mine for plinking (no carry or SD/HD here in Oz) & as cheap practice for my Glock 34.

I reccomend you steer away from super dooper high velocity ammo and light projectiles.... stick with standards and you will have fun all day, every day.

Unless you are in Kalifornja (where the barrel nut is glued/fixed), I recommend checking the barrel nut tightness (just remove the extension thingy, rack & lock (empty of course) & use your little spanner to tighten the nut). Mine had a tendency to loosen off after alot of shooting, I stopped this by adding a drop of blue loctite.... never a problem since.

Great gun, I expect a range report ASAP :D

Now, go shooting.... that is your homework ;)


New member
Those pics reminded me I need to clean my USP :rolleyes:, BTW the Old Skool vs. New Skool pic, that's my .22lr S&W model 17 K-22


New member
My brother had a P22 for a couple years, untill he sold it a few weeks ago. It was a fun gun to shoot, and fit the hands well, especially for the kids. However, it did have issues, which led to its sale. His was the 5" with the weight, with the green frame and black slide. First issue was the front sight. The sight did not sit securely in the slide and wiggled around while shooting, which, combined with the wide sight blade, made for less than stellar accuracy. Second issue was the barrel weight. It clamps around the barrel with two allen head set screws, but would work itself loose while shooting. The allen head screws would not stay tight, even after loc-tite, and the weight was constantly rotating around, and sliding off the barrel. It also had some feeding issues, wich only added to the frustration. It was a fun gun to shoot when parts weren't falling off, and the light weight and small size made it a great gun to pack around, but the quality wasn't enough to justify keeping it. Maybe he just got a bad one, but it has kinda soured us on the P22, and it will most likely be replaced with a Ruger MKIII or a Buckmark.


New member
Yeah, I heard the good the bad and the ugly about them and I certainly beleive it. However the same type of stuff was said about my Kahr PM-9 and mine and all the people I know who own different Kahrs have functioned flawlessly. It's in one of the pics and is usually my everyday carry.

Buckmarks and Ruger MK I,II,III's are all great guns and I know are known to be pretty much some of the best .22 semi auto's for the money (how I long for a S&W 41 or Beretta 87 :() but like I said I really just got the P22 to train cheaply when comparing to my USP. They are both DA/SA, safety, about the same length, and the mag release on both is located on the bottom of the trigger guard.

Mostly I just wanted a semi auto .22 to shoot while all this CRAP about ammo blows over, I grabbed a box of 9mm WWB and I have my SD rounds already so just gonna shoot my new P22 and S&W 17 until the storm passes.


New member
Cranky dude

The 'barrel weight' is actually just a dress up for the extra 1 1/2" of barrel stickin' out when Walther had to fit the 5" barrel to the usual 3 1/2" barrel gun, to make it long enough barrel length to be legal in places like here in Oz. This extension also holds the front sight of course & is also the picatinny rail extension too.

In the little baggy of tools that came with the gun is the allen key for the 2 big allen bolts & also a tiny little allen key (as well as different sight, different grip size pads and the barrel nut spanner.) The extension is held on by the 2 big allen bolts on the side and also one tiny (locating) worm/grub screw on the top of the extension. The big allen bolts on the side don't have to be done up 'gorilla' tight, the little grub screw should keep the extension straight and in place, the big side allen bolts only have to be firm/snug. Seems to me, no one (your bro or you) never new about the grub screw & that is why the extension was coming adrift. The outer 'spacer' behind the barrel nut has to be positioned with the little dimple the grub screw locates into, dead upright before tightening the barrel nut (with blue loctite) or else the extension, front sight & picatinny rail will be out of alignment.

My P22 had the barrel nut shoot loose until I loctited it (we can only get the 5" barrel here, so no need to swap barrels.... til I get my 6" conversion)

I did some of my licence training and wot-not with mark 11 rugers, nice guns, I liked them, but to me, they look like a 'competition' gun, plain & basic (great guns tho) whereas the P22 'looks' like a 'real' gun.

Just joking, but I can imagine pulling out a Mk 11 Ruger on a BG and he would point and laugh (not really, just kidding) whereas if you had to do the same with a P22, he might take more notice :D coz it doesn't look like a target gun (he shouldn't point & laugh, coz they are darn accurate little suckers)


New member
Getting ready to take my P22 to the range in about an hour. I've owned it for a little over a year and it's a great plinker. Never fails to bring a smile to my face plus it's affordable to shoot.

Mine has never had any kind of malfunction and shoots the CCI Blazer and Federal bulk pack ammo without any problems - that's all I've ever used in it.


New member
I STILL have not been able to take it to the range yet :( but its looking like Sunday me and a friend might head up to the range. I live on 2 acres of land surrounded by fields so when the neighbors weren't home I fired 3 rounds of bulk ammo (with a large bank as a backstop )off to see if it cycled it ok. I know 3 rounds is no test but it was just to make sure the gun would at least fire. I stinks I used to have no neighbors and was able to shoot woodchucks all day long, now people moved in and built around us so I can't.


New member
Admit it HK

You just wanted to hear your 'baby' scream for the first time :D

I know, been there dun that :eek: :D

I've even taken a new (to me) gun to the range in the dark just to let a few rip by torch light.... I mean, hey, if you have a new gun.... you have to fire it in the first few hours you have it... or it won't know who its daddy is??

Can't have that :eek::D

Silencers and sub ammo are good too ;)


New member
I thought about going the NFA route with this gun actually. Being a college student and the given economy I don't really want to invest a few hundred in a "Toy" to go onto another "toy" and pay an extra $200 tax on said "toy". Would make it a lot more fun and tactiCOOL to shoot, but cant justify it at the moment.