A (new) old classic Colt


New member
I picked mine from Bud's. They seem to get a few every couple months. It was around $1400, which is steep, but not far off from an original in excellent condition...and I don't feel so bad about shooting a nice reproduction.


New member
Libiglou, it is very nicely finished. I bought the reproduction because I would have felt bad shooting an original in anywhere near that nice of condition.

I've only put 50 rounds through it so far. The slide stuck at the rear twice, but was easily fixed (not sure exactly what happened). It is a little difficult to shoot well, with the tiny original sights, although it points VERY naturally in the hand.


New member
the repo looks very well made. you might need a bit of a break in period. The mags on the originals are going for over $200 on GB. That's crazy. In my case I'm like you looking for a shooter. Although I think your repo will hold its value over time unless colt decides to make them again(although aren't the repos made for colt) My usual dilemma. Too many goodies wanted,not enough money. Enjoy it !


New member
Oh, just thanks soooo much for that. Now I need one!

Always pined over the 1903. In 1982, found a LNIB one in a New Hampshire gun shop for $250.00. Guess why I'm kicking myself in the arse right now. :(


New member
I'm afraid mine looks like an old auntie next to the new ones but she still went dancing with me yesterday.