A new legal defense ...

Dave P

New member
So how long before someone succesfully uses this one?

Gene May Show Why Abused Boys Turn Violent

by Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent

Thursday, August 01, 2002 3:17 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A single gene may explain why some boys abused in childhood -- but not all -- grow up to become violent or aggressive, researchers said on Thursday.

The gene variation seems to be activated only by mistreatment in childhood, but is found in a third of the men and young boys studied, the researchers said.

story here


Advancements in genetics are only going to turn out in favor of policies of the liberals/"sociofascists," at least compared to public policy today. Genes take very little blame right now in people's behavior, so the only direction for genetics+politics to go is straight to Hell. I don't like it, and I don't think it's reasonable, but so what? There's solid genetics that explains e.g. obesity. I can guarantee you if I had different genes and ate what I ate my first year in college, I would have ended up weighing a couple dozen pounds more that year alone. Uncontrollable violence (e.g. Waingro in Heat) may just be another one of those things. If you only eat carrots and celery, or if you're exposed to the right environment as a child, all the bad genes in the world may not make you fat or violent. But if it turns out there are violence genes, are you responsible for violence if your parents didn't recognize it and raise you to avoid those characteristics?

On the other end of the spectrum, there's also the lawyer suing Delta over the obese man who "spilled over" into his seat.


New member
Believe it or not there used to be a controversy about whether juvinille criminals drank too much milk. :rolleyes: The question was whether large amounts of the l-tryptophan in milk might induce the same chemical imbalance they are discussing here. Apparantly a percentage of the thugs they evaluated were milk drinkers, up to 2 gallons per day. :eek: