A new chapter in reloading...

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
Well, for me, anyway. I've loaded FMJ, JHP, and LRN of different pistol calibers. But I'm about to start with some .40 S&W loads that are Berry's plated 155 grain. These are the first .40's that I've loaded, and the first plated.

If you have a suitable recipe for these, I can load them with HS-6, Unique, or Bullseye. Please drop me a PM with your numbers and I'll go from there. Thanks! :D

Yoosta B. Blue

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
Now that I've done a good bit of reading here and there....

...it looks like I can just use Jacketed data for these Berry's plated bullets. I'll see how that works.
