A minor rant, if you will.


New member
You know what makes me sick? You know what makes me so angry I could pimp-slap the nearest yellow-bellied, punk-ass, girly-man? Sniveling, weaseling, spineless people whose ranks seem to grow every damn day, that’s who. Who stole Americans sense of integrity and responsibility? Did this nation suddenly wake up and decide, “Hey I bet I can weasel my way out of any problems or difficulties I face today by passing the buck to somebody else”? You deal with it every day. Remember that slight problem with that last purchase you made? Well don’t bother calling customer service, after all the person that can take care of the problem is on a "lunch break" and wont be back for “at least another hour, feel free to call back then though”. Did you decide, against your better judgment, to buy something from the large “we have it all, 24-hours a day” nation wide chain? Better hope you don’t mind being called a thief when you walk out with your purchases. But hey, the person checking your receipt is “just doing her job”. Hope you didn’t decide to “fly the American sky’s” for your next vacation. That is unless you enjoy full body cavity searches by a pimply faced teenager who gets his kicks from feeling up women who have to submit to him when they really just want to bend him over their knee and spank him like the little punk he is. But hey, he is just doing his job, he didn’t make the law after all. Don’t blame him. Remember that poor dear battered woman that killed all of her children so that she could "save them"? Don’t blame her, it isn’t her fault that she had to kill them all. After all it was her eeeviiil husband that forced her into it. Remember the poor little child that was just executed for his confessed murder, Napoleon Beazley? Don’t punish that poor man! After all her was only an innocent little child when he made just one terrible mistake. And besides, he was a black man convicted by an all white jury for killing a white man. I mean come on! He friggin’ confessed! ENOUGH! NO MORE! When will people step up and take some responsibility? Who has the intestinal fortitude to stand up and say, “the buck does stop here”? I want to know who stole our nations sense of responsibility, and I want it back.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Sad to say, I have a hunch large, large numbers of Americans will accept responsibility for themselves only after government stops taking care of them from cradle to grave.

Leftists keep promising, "The government will take care of it," and squandering more of the nation's hard-earned tax dollars on so-called "social welfare" and "social justice" schemes designed to turn more and more voters into government dependents.

Leftists keep teaching children, "It's okay if you did your best," and whittling away at independence and self-reliance, with the net result that more and more high school graduates can't read or write or do simple sums, can't think for themselves, and believe every bit of bliss ninny nonsense they've been taught.

Employers often reward irresponsibility by not only continuing to pay, but promoting obvious incompetents. I've got one on my staff at work. If I were planning to keep the job longer than a few more months, I'd embark upon the slow, tedious process of firing him, which requires numerous meetings, paper work, more meetings, more paper work, documentation, discussions, still more paper work, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. No, it's not a government organization: just an enterprise that believes leftist-style niceness outweighs quality.

There are still plenty of people who do take responsibility, but I think we're well on our way toward becoming a minority.


New member
Ayn Rand described all of this decades ago.
J.S. Mill and others predicted it a century ago.
Yet stupid American sheeple let themselves be sheared and worse.

If the 40% of American Households who own guns would put vigilance to work in defending their liberty...
Heck, only 40% of Americans vote in major elections, thus the gunowners could run the country if they wanted to and got off their lazy butts and voted.
They ARE running the country the way they want it run.

NEW YORK - Four in 10 adults live in households with guns, and those homes have an average of two firearms each, according to a national poll. Louis Harris and Associates said its survey being released today indicates a leveling off of gun ownership after a decline during the 1980s. In the poll, 25 percent said they had a pistol, 27 percent a shotgun and 29 percent a rifle. Some households have more than one type of gun. Forty percent have at least one gun of any type. The polling company said it found the share of gun-owning households lowest among the very poor, at 17 percent, compared with 54 percent in families that earn $25,000 to $35,000. The Harris Poll interviewed 1,004 adults by phone July 15-21. Results have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.


New member
Wow, ahenry, sounds like you just became a taxpayer.

I thought those thoughts when I got my first paycheck and saw that instead of the $120 I had coming it was $87.00. :mad: ;)


New member
Wow, ahenry, sounds like you just became a taxpayer.

HAHA, nope. I've been a taxpayer for quite a few years now. I'm just sick of people that continually pass the buck instead of dealing with something themselves. Although I do remember the first "real" paycheck I got with a significant amount withheld from it. I had money budgeted for what "I made", oops. Didn't bring home near as much as I made. An eye-opening experience, but certainly not a recent one.

Will Beararms

New member
Let me give the take from the half of a couple who ran up a bunch of c.c. debt in the 80's and early 90's. We have been blessed with two companies and though it still gets hairy soemtimes, we were able to pay our way out of it.

I called people who I was seriously behind with and they acted like I was crazy when I tried to and did pay them off. It was almost as if they wanted me to stay down. Granted, I did it to myself and I was at fault.

By God's help, we got out of it but the system is designed so that you are kept down even if you try to do the right thing. Any of you on this board could win the lottery tonight and it would take a year or more to clean up your record and that would mean screaming and threatening legal action.

We are not tough enough on those who deserve it and too tough on those who do not deserve it.

I know this will illicit some flames but this lady whose suing the government in NY named Mariano because her hubby perished in 9/11 should be ashamed of herself. None of us are guaranteed the next minute. Clinton let our defenses down and now Bush has to pay for it. Remember: it's easy to second guess after the fact.


New member
We are not tough enough on those who deserve it and too tough on those who do not deserve it.

That is very true.

As long as we have this "new age" (is that the right word?) "I'm OK, You're OK" mentality preached by the dominant media culture we are going to see less and less reponsibility exhibited by the masses.

Anybody who decides to stand up and be counted is looked upon as insane, as Will Beararms' experience with creditors demonstrates.


New member
Ahenry we sometime don't agree but on this
For me as a child of the 40's, vietnam vet,
I see America as an idea or mind set, more
so then a place, I believe much of the "idea"
is dying, wish I had an easy answer however
I do still have hope that something will
happen to make the difference, until then
hang in there.!


New member
You should give credit to Earl Pitts.
That is funny as all get out. I had no idea about him and his “makes me sick” stuff. I have heard people use the comment “You know what makes me sick? You know what makes me so angry?”, but I had no idea it came from him or anything. He has some funny crap on his site. Did you listen to his “vegetable rights” clip? HAHAHAHAHA :eek: It belongs on that long thread we had a while back about animal rights.


New member
It was almost as if they wanted me to stay down. Granted, I did it to myself and I was at fault.

Of course they wanted you to stay in debt... your interest payments is what buys them their goodies.

It's kinda the height of irony, when you think about it... buy a battle rifle 'cause you're concerned about your freedom.... and end up essentially enslaved to the cc company.

Debt is evil. Sometimes necessary... but evil.



New member
I take issue with that.

Debt is a tool and is not evil.

Interest is the fee charged for using money.

The problem is, most people do not understand credit and debt and get them selves in a mess due to their own ignorance or lack of discipline.

If you find a really good deal on something, but do not have the money when you find the deal, it is quite legitimate to go into debt for a time to acquire the object now.

What you have to consider is what it will cost to use the money, what is the savings or benefit from acquiring now vs, later and what is the plan to pay off the debt?

Unfortunately, most people use credit to make purchases to buy happiness. They get addicted to the thrill of buying and have to keep the cycle going.

I am baffled that someone could read this board where one of the central themes is "guns are not evil, they are tools" and then proffer the idea that credit is "evil".

Credit Cards to not charge purchases, people charge purchases.


New member
"debt is a tool, not evil"

point granted.

Like you said, I merely meant to offer that taking on debt is truly little different than signing yourself into indentured servitude. Done wisely, it is useful (witness the indentured servants who paid for their passage here with their labor). Done poorly.. you're a slave forever, talk of freedom or no.

That some folks willingly enslave themselves, due to their own ignorance or apathy, is their own responsibility.

"The problem is, most people do not understand credit and debt and get them selves in a mess due to their own ignorance or lack of discipline."

That's HALF of the story, Pendragon.

The other half of the story is predatory credit card companies making credit so readily available that it's insane -- high school kids and college students are two of the VERY hot target markets for credit card issuers.

In some cases, the credit limits far outstrip the earning ability of the students.

Rates are often very close to predatory, as well. Why? Because while the card companies court these target markets so hotly, the very same people are a HUGE risk. The way to ameliorate the risk is to charge high interest rates.

Another hotly sought market is, believe it or not, recently discharged bankrupts. Why? Because they NEED credit again (you can't do squat anymore without a card), and they can't file for bankruptcy again for at least 7 years in most states.

Again, the cost of the credit is very high.

Credit certainly isn't evil, but some of the companies that offer it certainly are, or are damned close to it.

Credit card companies are, in part, to blame for the high rate of defaulted loans in this country by making such obscene amounts of credit available so easily.

A couple of years ago I kept a running tally of all of the "preapproved" offers that I got in a calendar year.

Total credit offered, had I gotten the top amount on every card I was offere? Nearly $3 million.

Throw in all of the "GREAT!" home equity offers, and the amount was closer to $10 million.

"Unfortunately, most people use credit to make purchases to buy happiness. They get addicted to the thrill of buying and have to keep the cycle going."

Oh boy do you have that right. My ex-wife was a perfect example, and I have to admit that I've done it as well. I've been known to drop a $50 computer game onto my card when I'm bored or out of sorts. Escapism.

I spent nearly 3 years working for Navy Federal Credit Union in the marketing department, writing both marketing AND educational materials for members of the military. Education of young military personnel was a large part of what NFCU was about.


New member

I do not necessarily disagree with you about the CC companies. My wife and I kept cards for the past couple years to "build credit" to buy a house - we did, it helped, we just took out equity and paid them off.

Some companies seem to constantly hit you with fees and charges and make it especially hard to get out.

My lovely Providian card was 23.9% - I called them and threatened to change to another company, they promised to make it 16.9% - but never did.

However, the fact that bad decisions are easier to make does not excuse our making them.

I know all about bankruptcies - I discharged $65,000 of debt at the tender age of 21. (And not a penny of it due to "spending sprees". Suffice it to say I was in business with the wrong people.)

I did have a friend who discharged some $20,000 of consumer debt - just pure spending madness. Ouch.

Anyway - we are not equipping people to live in this world. Parents and schools need to give studens an education on credit and how to manage it.

Some will still fall into trouble. Oh well. The freedom to succeed goes hand in hand with the freedom to screw up.