A-MERC brass

John Forsyth

New member
I picked up a lot of brass in .40S&W. All mixed headstamp, once fired. One I saw I am not familiar with. A-MERC. Is this brass any good?


New member

It's a shame that something so bad has the name American.

The brass is uneven, rough to size and seat in. and the Flash holes are not always centered, this can be hard on the decapping pin.

I usually just toss it.


New member
I can't comment on their .40Auto brass but their .45ACP brass is total junk. I loaded some before I started using a Lee FCD and had nothing but problems with it, mostly failure to extract. I ran about 10 rounds through the FCD and it actually crushed the bullet enough to where you could pull it from the case with your fingers. It's too thick at the case mouth and I have yet to see a flash hole anywhere near center. Save yourself the aggravation and file 13 it.

Stay aware,
Stay safe.


New member
I saw a .45 shooter have FTFs because the primers were working their way out of the gun. He had a primer fall to the floor from his gun. When he picked it up he was able to push the primer into the pocket by hand.


New member
Do us brass rats a favor and crush it somehow, so no poor bastard picks it up and tries to reload it. I tried reloading some A-Merc .45 auto and had several bulged cases that were unchamberable with a bullet in them.

Steve Smith

New member
Amen! Don't just toss it some where, make it unusable, for everyone's sakes. I do the same whenever I run across one.

Unkel Gilbey

New member
I used to just toss them when I found them, but I've since changed my tune...

Since I've picked up more than my fair share of this crap, and have had to sort through it myself, I realized that if I just tossed it aside at the range, I stood the chance of just picking it up again at a later date. This isn't too cool!

Additionally, I get a lot of my reloadiable brass from those folks who leave their brass at the range. This doesn't say too much about the pigs who leave their brass lying around on the deck, but since I benefit, I don't fret too much about it.

But if everyone leaves this crap brass around, eventually it will begin to clutter up the place and make it look trashy - which (once again) isn't too cool by my book.

So, I just pick it all up, A-MERC and the rest of them. Since I'll be sorting through it anyway, I throw away the crap when I get back to the house. This way, I am doing more than my part at keeping the range policed, and I am also getting this crap brass out of circulation. Hmmmmm... I should see what the scrap dealer will give me for this stuff, I could actually be making some money for all my effort!

Unkel Gilbey


New member
There's contact info on the webpage. I dare someone to ask why their brass is so crappy, and then post any response.
Done. I'll post the reply.
Message body;
The brass you use in you ammo came up as a discussion on a reloading topic message board. The general feeling is that the brass you use is sub-standard. You can read comments from the thread here http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=1038953#post1038953
We would appreciate your input.


New member
Within my approx 20 brands .45ACP brass-"collection" only A-MERC was unable to punch a vent in the center of the primer-pocket. Not a single one! I "pliered" them throw them in the waste.

Didn't know that they were manufactured in the US :eek: