a lot of $ for S&W642?


New member
I stumbled upon a gun store that I'd never known about and since I've been interested in a J-frame recently decided to have a look.

$569 for the 642 and all equivalent airweight variations.

Actually because of my self-proclaimed dyslexia it may have been $659 but I'll give the store the benefit of the doubt. The man behind the counter was really trying hard to sell it to me, even showed me the one in his pocket which had a Tyler - T grip on it. Said he'd put 10,000 rounds through it in 10 years without a fix-up of any type.

Anyways, I bought a box of ammo for his effort although I really wanted to just have a look at everything else in the store and told him so.

$24 for a 50 round box of S&B FMJ's. Man. Maybe I'm just a cheap guy.


New member
That store seems to be on the high side. 642's around here go for about
$425, $450 tops, new. I bought a like-new one (used) for $365.00 out the door. A box of 50 S&B in 9mm go for around $15.00. I'm not sure if 38 specials are a little more.

I'd look for a more reasonable store.



New member
In this area $659 sounds right. We only have 3 gun stores and 2 of them hardly carry anything worth looking at. And the high priced one dosen't have as good a selection as he used to since the election. Now it seems IMO that he's carrying what He wants to cause I'm not the only customer questioning this. Excuse the whining.


New member
It sure stopped me and my wife from buying a couple S&W's we liked. Were happy with our SP101's but you know what I mean.


We (My wife and I) just bought her a S&W model 642 with Crimson Lazer grips costed us $655.00 (Texas) about 2 months ago and I tell you it was the best money I ever gave for a firearm. Shoots very well and EXTREMELY ACCURATE! Love her gun.:D


New member
Thanks for the input folks. The man handed me a glossy S&W catalog/brochure which had the Airweights listed at an MSRP of 616! wow.

Well I'll stop my whining but it's good to know that I don't have to be stuck with that sticker price. And it's strangely reassuring that it's like this elsewhere too :eek: I'll look at other local gun stores before I go the online route - not really familiar the whole auction thing.

thanks and have a great weekend.


New member
No way I can get em in Boston for $430 cash and prices here are usually through the roof, for the price their asking for you can get an all stainless model 60.


New member
That's nuts!! Got a 637 last winter from Cabela's for $459 .... don't shop there -- and tell the bozo who owns the store why!


New member
wow what a rip!

I got my 637 brand new.. $350 +tax
they had the guy from S&W who does the Master Revolver Action Package (the same guy who has done the ones on your guns that you have sent in)
he was giving free action smoothing for anyone who bought a S&W revolver that weekend. took him like 15 min too! lulz

Sometimes my place has sweet deals sometimes they don't.


New member
S&W lists the msrp for the 642 on their web page as $616. The gun shop I use here in California (I prefer spending a few more dollars to support a very helpful local gun shop, than dealing with an internet site) typically takes 20% off the msrp, so I'd expect the price to be about $500. Thus I think $569 is a little high, unless it had the Crimson Trace grip. If the 642 is with the Crimson Trace grip, $901 is the msrp, and I would think that $659 even, let alone $569, would be a good price.
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