A little something for your blood pressure.


New member
The Peoples Republic of Calbania appears to be a lost cause. Would the last American out turn off the lights.................



New member
The last Real American out of Kali would be TFL's own Jim March......

But Red "Gray-Out" Davis will have already managed to turn out the lights by then


New member
That's UC Berkeley, so what did you expect?

UCB's been a pain in the national butt since 1964 that I know of, and this is just another line on its scroll of infamy.

Paul K

New member
Quindel, a self avowed hater of the American Flag, the federal government, and the "Star Spangled Banner," said she is still patriotic.
Patriotic songs may exclude and offend people

:rolleyes: I want to shake the hand of the genius who made the emoticons.


New member
Jessica Quindel... I hope that the patriots among the audience decide to lose their civility and boo her off the stage.

Maybe someone can hand her a burkha as she steps down in shame.


New member
Jessica Quindel. Are ya'll sure the spelling is correct? Is so, I would like to add her to the offical list. May I have the 2 required seconds?

By the way, I've forgotten who's officialy keeping the master list. My old one is probably out of date as I haven't recieved an update in about 12 months. The last one I have is #3067 - O. bin Laden.


New member
"We didn't want anything too centered on nationalism-anything that is 'Go U.S.A.'"

I think i'm going to throw up now...:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Perhaps she should go live in Afghanistan, or Iraq for a year or two.. Maybe then she will have a better understanding of what freedom and being an American means...:rolleyes:

Don Rac

New member
If I were Jessica's father I would've cut all funding for her education if I heard that crap she spouted. But, conservatives shouldn't leave Cali yet. If enough come back and balance everything out, or even better, make liberals the minority, we all benifit. Good beaches, nice weather and women, all that's missing is the right political view. This Republican is gonna stay here and vote, and hope it counts. Hell, I was born in this state, and I'm not gonna abandon what I consider home to these leftist whackjobs.


New member
Ahhh yes, Berkley. Nothing much changes there, does it? I was chauffering then Gov. Ronald Reagan and Michigan Rep. Gerald Ford back in the late 60's for a Nixon re election dinner in Grand Rapids, Mi. (me: young policeman. them: two future presidents. wow, whoda thunk it) Governor Reagan slides into the limo and leans over to Rep. Ford and says, "Those a######s are at it in Berkley again Jerry. I'm calling out the Guard when I get to the hotel."
All the 9-11 "celebration" in the PRK/Berkley needs now is Angela Davis, H. Rap Brown, the Chicago 7 and Janey Fonda's 1st husband.



New member
"We didn't want anything too centered on nationalism-anything that is 'Go U.S.A.'"

I think i'm going to throw up now...

Me too.:barf: :barf: :barf:

No Go USA? What the hell? Didn't our country get attacked? What is wrong with national pride? If someone doesn't like me waving my country's flag then they can go move to Red China or something so they don't have to look at me. Maybe they'll get pissed when someone waves a Chinese flag. Then they can buy their own private island and wave their own flag.

Since when is it a crime to wave and American flag or sing the national anthem, for goodness sake?:mad:


Midnight Sun

New member
This is sickening beyond words. GTF OUT of my country!

Someone should tell that Communist bitch Quindel that half the world dreams of coming to this country. Of course to this bunch I'm sure 9-11 was our fault, deserved, and overdue. And these stupid bastards are so naive they think they'd get a break from OBL and Al Qaeda? "Please sir let me off the plane I'm an American hating commie vegan dyke."

These scum dishonor the memory of 2,800 odd Americans (and it very easily could have been 25,000) who were killed just for being Americans.
I wonder what she/they would think if some of their loved ones were on those planes or in the WTC...

"We thought that may be just too political, too patriotic," said
Hazel Wong, chief organizer for the Associated Students of
the University of California (ASUC). "We didn't want anything
too centered on nationalism-anything that is 'Go U.S.A.'"
