A little left (M9A1)


New member
Went to my local range today. It had been awhile since I had given my M9A1 any love so I took it along with my 10/22 and Desert Eagle (.44 Mag).

Had a great time but I noticed that when shooting the Beretta I consistantly shot about 1 inch left at 7 yards. I first I thought I might be tapping the trigger a little hard but after making a concious effort to squeeze the tirgger I still had the same problem. I had no trouble with the Desert Eagle and was punching bullseyes with it all afternoon.

I have never had trouble with my M9A1 in the past and have the targets to prove it so this is a little troubling.


Coltman 77

New member
Check the sights as Fishbed77 mentioned and have someone else (who knows what he's doing) shoot the pistol as well.


New member
The gun is fine, it is you. You said you haven't fired it in a while; shoot it more and it will go away. I had the same problem a while back.