A little late but....The MMM, I was there, and this is what happened..


New member
Sorry to be reporting this so late, but I was away for a week. I did make it a point to stop by D.C. for moms day and gaze upon the herd of catt---, shee---, moms. I did not arrive until after the festivities had begun, got to the SAS-AIMM rally about 11:30. I was able to meet Bubbles (for those of you who know her from posting on other boards) who helped organize the event. I was privleged to meet many of the speakers including a woman named Sharon Wood who us running for a Congressional seat in southern Va. as a Libertarian. This woman has an impressive list of credits in her legal background. At one point president klinton (lower case intentional) and his parade drove by us. That brought forth a deserving loud and long boooooooooo, which stopped the speaker for a moment. The attendence figures were wildly off. They may have been higher at 10:00, but our group numbered about 1500-2000 and when we marched up the street by the moms they were but 30,000. Only the first tier of the mall was close to full when I walked by at 14:00. Any reports you here at 750,000 are LIES. It didn't happen. These peace loving, non-violent moms are vicious. Two of the people I spoke with had gone over to see what was going on with the mommies (spy). They were surrounded by 200 moms who locked arms and would not let them out of the circle. The moms began to kick and spit on these people. Security broke through the circle to rescue our guys and rushed them to safety. I wondered why they didn't press charges with the police and was told that they were just happy to get away. As a result the police feared for our safety as our march route took us along the border of the mall, right by the million mean mommies. The police did a great job and seemed very friendly to our side. The line officers know that guns and we responsible gun owners are not the problem. Along the march route we were heckled as we went by the mean mommies. These people can only regurgitate what they have been told. Not one has had to create an original thought in her dumb little head for this event. A lady (I use the term loosely) and a friend of hers called me a Nazi as I was marching by (I was a protest virgin by the way, never did it before). I began laughing at them and walked over. They had a puzzled look. I explained, while laughing at them, that the Nazi's only allowed the police, military, and registered party members to have registered guns. 'Individual citizens were not allowed to possess firearms in Nazi Germany.' Laughingly I told them, 'We aren't the Nazi's, YOU ARE!' As I laughed even more I commented on how stupid it was to protest something that they know nothing about. All I got back was a couple of blank 'Oh God he's right' stares. They may have been 'what do I say now' stares, but they look the same. A few other marchers had a good laugh out of it too. I did discover that laughter works wonders on these psychos. While they are screaming and turning red, don't let it phase you, laugh at them, really tweaks them when they realize how silly they sound. I was on a mobile phone with a friend while marching. I held the phone out in front of me (laughing the whole time) as I walked up to a couple of particularly loud guys. I could tell that really sent their tweak-meters off the scale because they just turned redder and yelled louder, becoming completely incoherent. My friend asked me what they were saying because she couldn't understand them. I told her I couldn't either. The hecklers got louder and more violent the closer we got to the stage. I think some of the ones further back just used the bus rides for a cheap trip to D.C. to see the sites with the kids and get to see Rosie Owner of Too Many Spoons in person. Advantage to Rosie was that if she stayed out much that day she might sweat off a few pounds. I would say that 99% of the moms were from Va., N.J., Maryland, and D.C. lots from D.C., in other words the immediate area. We marched to a park next to the Capital building. As we arrived at the park the chimes played God Bless America. What a feeling. We chanted a thank you to the police for seeing us by the mean mommies safely then broke up and went home. A shame that more didn't show up, it was fun and I want to do it again. I drove about 1400 miles round trip from Indy (I had to go through Ky, WV, and Va. because of Oh. and Pa. gun laws.) A whole bunch of fun and got to meet some great people. If you are a gun owner and stay home from events like this so that you don't miss a movie or ball game on TV, you deserve whatever happens. If you had to work, had a family reunion that weekend, or even if you would have had to drive over 200 miles to get there, I understand, but we all knew months in advance when this was happening. Most just didn't care. That is a shame. So if you made one of the marches around the country, thanks for the support and maybe we will get to do it again. Hope to see more of you there next time.

Jedi Oomodo

New member
Hey, Jeff!! Good to know that you haven't fallen prey to the mean streets of Indy! :D

Darth and I would have participated in the counter-MMM events, but we never heard of anything going on in Dallas! :( We're planning on handing flyers and getting local ranges to participate in the 50Mil Round March on Father's Day, though! :)

Only in America, we're slaves to be free/Only in America, we kill the unborn, to make ends meet/Only in America, sexuality is democracy/Only in America, we stamp our god "In God we trust"

What is right or wrong?
I don't know who to believe in
My soul sings a different song, in America

-Creed, "In America"

The warrior kings lived by the sword/From hill to loch and dark fjord/Battling 'til his life he shed/leaving the throne/To the sons of Somerled...
Steve McDonald, "Sons of Somerled"

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!