A little confused about some thread closures

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New member
Mods, I don't mean to get in your chili, but lately some threads have been closed for being in "the wrong forum," that I'm not so sure were in the wrong forum.

Example: problem with an LC9 trigger pull.

Yes, an LC9 is a semi-automatic, but a trigger pull issue, and how to train to use that trigger, is not really semi-auto specific. IMO, it's more of a general handgun question, that just happens to be framed around an LC9 in that particular example.

I could see it being an issue if the question had been about magazine or feed issues, etc, but a trigger?

My point is, where is the dividing line? Arguably, a trigger issue with an LC9 could also have been considered more appropriate to the smithing forum - if the question were how to fix it, or the tactics and training forum - if the question were how to train and adapt to it. But sometimes, even though the gun in the example might be a revolver or a semi-auto, the actual questions and answers aren't particularly type specific.

So, why not the general handgun forum?

Thanks for clarification.


New member
I found this to be very helpful:


I think the concensus for a "semi auto trigger" thread would be that it belongs in the semi auto forum. If the question was for example: what kind of trigger do you like best, revolver or semi auto, that would be more for the general handgun forum. General handgun should be reserved for topics which cannot possibly be placed in one or the other.
The question in the LC9 thread was asked SPECIFICALLY about the LC9. The OP wrote to Ruger SPECIFICALLY about the trigger pull on his LC9.

It wasn't a question about trigger pulls in general.

As such, its proper place was in semi-automatics, NOT general handguns.

Question asked & answered.

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