A little chuckle for good natured Texas folks

Austin Cowart

New member
Well the other night I get in my car after getting off of work around 12:30 at night here in San Antonio and start my drive over to Beaumont in southeast Texas to visit the folks. Well I get on I-10 and start my usual 75mph to turn the 5 hour drive into around 4 and a half. I hit Sequin about 1:15 in the morning and im alert and just trucking along when I pass a sheriff deputy doing 70. Well if you are anything like me I look at that sign that says the speed limit is 65 at night as more of a suggestion than law even though I know it means what it means and I go ahead and pass him. Well he stays behind me and we keep on going and a few miles later GUESS WHAT! Yup he hits his lights and pulls me over. Well im sitting here cursing under my breath seeing as I hadn’t noticed until 2 days earlier when I went to pick up my new Walther G22 that my license had been expired for the past month and i havent had time to get it renewed, and I sure as hell don’t need this ticket even though I could take defensive driving and get out of it. Well he walks on up and says good morning and I return the response and asks for license and insurance. Well I hand him my license and then I say "Sir Im going to need to open my glove box to get my insurance out and I have my pistol in there." He looks at me and asks if im a CCL holder and I say "No Sir, if I were I would have presented it with my license as is dictated by law. I just carry when I travel, and you know about that new law and all?" He says "What law is that?" I say “You know The new Castle Law and House Bill 1815 that allows me to carry a handgun in and in route to my car." And he says "Yeah but you can still be arrested for that you know?" It was at this point that I wanted to be the smart ass that I can be when I know im right but I refrained and he steps back and says well what year is this and I say 2007 and he says "Eh I bet you have insurance let me just run your license and see if anything is up." Well im prepared to get my ticket for an expired license and a few other things of course but 2 min later he walks back up and say "Well Mr. Cowart looks like everything is in order. I'm just going to give you a warning and you have a nice night." Now I got a great laugh out of that, but at the same time got a bit disturbed as to the fact that I could have been driving a stolen car with no insurance with a fake license and a loaded pistol. Hum I love Texas!
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