A lightweight M1A?


New member
If one had the money and inclination, what modifications could be done to the M1A/M14, or more likely M1A Scout, to make it a lighter rifle? I've been thinking of getting one because it's a beautiful rifle, great caliber, accurate as anything, but it's awful heavy. Even the Scout weighs over 9 lbs.

Has anyone ever tried this? What could be done to it? Skeletonizing the stock a bit? Could metal be taken off anywhere? (ie. lightening cuts like the Enfield Jungle Carbine). I guess removing the flash hider might help a bit. Something else?

I sort of assume that if anything substantial could be done someone would aready be doing it so this may be a dumb question. Figured I'd ask anyway. I did a quick search to see if anyone has discussed this earlier and didn't come up with anything.


New member
I wish SA made light contour chrome lined barrels for their scouts. The standard model is chrome lined and thin, while the SCout has the medium contour, and of course the forward mount. I am wondering how a bush rifle would be, as I don't anticipate using the mount on mine...


New member
My advice is to have children. I tote two forty pounders around on a regular basis. My scout feels like a feather in comparison. ;)

vince weng

New member
light weight???

That reminded me of my military service in Taiwan years ago. We used M-14 in the military at that time. In the training session, we carried a dummy M-14 which was made from steel rod and wood. The dummy M-14 weighed 15 lbs or more.

As the training finished, I felt the M-14 like a straw....

Personally, this is what you can do to.

1. Use standard GI barrel.
2. Use synthetic stock.


New member
Hmm...maybe I should send this post to the Smithy? Seems like no one has really tried to lighten the M1A Scout. So far we've got:

- Synthetic stock, maybe even skeletonize it.
- Lighter contour barrel. Maybe even fluted?
- How about drilling lightening holes in the operating rod? I dunno about stresses, might just break it. I'm just thinking out loud.
- Could metal be taken off the receiver?

I mean, imagine how cool it would be if you could get the M1A Scout down to 7-7.5 lbs scoped...is it just me or would that be the greatest thing going? Carry it with a 5rd mag, a couple high caps in the pack. Man, that would be the best!