A hint of rational thought about gun control

Blackwater OPS

New member
To bad it's not in the US. I came across this today-
Sound suppressors, a firearm accessory strictly regulated in many other jurisdictions, are also available in Finland. Their use is not regulated. Their use can be considered to reduce the noise pollution that firearms otherwise produce, although this is not a serious problem, since most ranges are located in remote locations. They also remove the need to use hearing protection while shooting. Silencers are not a major topic in Finnish gun control debates as they are almost never used in crimes.


I traveled a good bit in Finland a few years ago, over a long period of time and I was under the impression that they had strict gun laws:confused:

They have a lot of huge moose.:D

I don;t guess it has any thing to do with the thread but the fins are sort of paranoid about the russians. :rolleyes:

I ask a friend in Finland why they did not report the cherynobel explosion which occured very close to their border(It was sweeden who reported it) and he told me that through out history when ever the Finish male population begin to expand the russians would come down and killum off :eek: and they didn;t fool with the russians:eek: