A handgun range that shoots back.


New member
I hope this is the right place to post this. I've been working on a handgun shooting range, that shoots back. My cousin, owns one of those amusement parks, where you have laser tag, baseball batting cages, etc. I've scrounged some old equipment from him and set up the following:
I've got some paintball guns that can be made to fire remotely, by a random timer. some laser guns rigged the same way, Of course you have to have one of the vests on for a strike to register. Also I have a tennis ball shooter thing on a remote. These are all aimed at an area about four foot square. So I stand at this area. All these things are shooting at me, while I'm trying to shoot at a target. Of course, I have to be careful and not shoot any of the equipment. Maybe that's why cuz won't let me use one of his baseball firing machines.
Now of course this type of 'range' could never be used by the general public because of liability issues, and such. And all the equipment doesn't work reliablely, but it's fun to realize how difficult it is to aim and shoot accurately when things are shooting back at you.
Oh, I've got the paintball guns and lasers mounted on 2x4's at about chest height, and they represent 'good guys' and can't be shot. The actual target is my regular one 21' away with a safe backstop, and 100' high sand hill behind it.
Seems kinda silly, but it's fun practice.

Jim March

New member
We have several in California. They're even better - they don't just "shoot back", they usually shoot FIRST.

Compton, West Oakland, Tenderloin district of San Francisco, etc...:D.


New member
Earlier this year a guy in Michigan said Detroit in no longer the #1 murder capital in the nation. It's now #2. What's Number One now?

Flint, Michigan! only a few miles up the road from Detroit.

:rolleyes: :cool: :rolleyes:


New member
I belive Los Angeles now holds the title "muder capitol of the United States". Must be why they're trying so damned hard to ban .50BMG's and "high powered" ammo. :rolleyes:


New member
Actually CNN said the other day that the murder capitol of the
U.S. is now St. Louis. I figure it's because everyone is so
distraught over how crappy the Rams are playing this year.



New member
Like you said it would never see the light of day because of safety concerns. I can imagine a shooter getting shot in the hand by a paintball and sending a bullet off target. That right there is pretty scary.

If you want to simulate the stress of being shot at, just go play paintball. I've played 15+ years, it a blast.


New member
L.A.? A bunch of flowered-shirted sissies!
Flint or Saint Louie? What the devil?

What has become of my Gary, Indiana? Why are we out of the running? We need a gun law, or better yet laws, in Gary.

Paintball can work, but Sims are better. Holding the real thing, going against real people, just gets the heart going more.
In San Francisco...

It's not without reason that Hunter's Point is named. Many more shootings there than in the Tenderloin. Gotta agree with West Oakland. The maggots there also prey upon the weak & elderly. Murder #100 was an old jazz musician whom the three punks pulled off his wheelchair and beat to death. :mad:


New member
Sims? Not done that...but

My Gunsmith , decided to up my education a long time ago using a low velocity plastic bullet, primer powered. Using safety precautions, etc.
I learned a lot!! Pucker factor goes up!! using model 10's I learned first hand about the "Turnell Syndrom". 7 yds in less than 2 seconds...definitley had me a believer in platform, belt, holster, and practice, practice practice!!! Wasn't the best draw or best group --I just wanted hits and FAST!! And I'll even admit I failed this at first, did not clear leather and/or missed at 3yds.

Embarrassing, but educational...I still practice this, real regular.


New member

Excuse me, but I _cannot_ point with a handgun on somebody I do not like to kill.
A paintball gun feeling entirely different - perhaps.
But having builded in some 30 years very strong scruples to point any gun on anyone I do not like to be vulnerated I surely will not do so with wax or plastic fuels.
I believe in Murphys Law.
I have ceased dry firing without snap caps too...


New member
bela brings up a good point. Safety is a huge issue with sims.

Too many stories of American coppers killing each other because safety is not taken seriously ("I've done this all my life" "I know the gun isn't loaded" "I have common sense" etc., et al). bela, any incidents in EastEmpire that you are aware of?


New member
I went out practicing today. Just target practicing with my 22 semi. I try to shoot it two or three times a week. So I will always know what it feels like in my hand, and where it puts the bullets.
This morning I was talking with some young paintballers about their sport, accuracy, how real it feels, etc. But my concern about that is that I want to know what it feels like with my actual carry gun. I want that gun to feel like it's part of my hand and that I can control where each and every shot is going. My thinking is that with my 22 I'm carrying a total of 400 grains of lead. If I can reliably put those shots where I want, it should get the BG's attention.:rolleyes: :cool:


New member
One Free Texan, and others, instead of paintball, you might look into airsoft skirmishing. Airsoft guns are realistic looking replicas of real guns that fire small plastic bb's.


I was at a gunshow where there was an airsoft dealer. I happened to have a kydex holster for an HK USP with me, and I asked the dealer if I could try putting one of the airsoft USP's into the holster.

It fit perfectly.

Number 6

They already exist.

"Like you said it would never see the light of day because of safety concerns."

Nonsense. One is up and running 10 miles from me, and has been for almost 2 years. It is used to train LEOs and has the front half of a real car, to simulate arrivals and exiting the vehicle.

A screen plays out scenarios that are altered by the trainer according to the trainee's actions, and padding and helmets are required because trainees get shot with plastic balls. The cops get to fire their issue weapons, even rifles can be used.

I have a coupon for it, but it is not yet open to civilians. If I ever get to play in it, I'll let you know what it is like.

gordo b.

New member
I had a fun house set up with steel pepper poppers that "shot back" back splatter . With shot guns and carbines you dont want to do it at home and had medical help available and friends who wouldnt sue- Has been over for 7 years , phew!:eek:


New member
My thoughts regarding firing real weapons with fake bullets at real people...

Taken from "Brandon Lee "The Crow" (and more)"
The movie was made but two scenes were skipped. The one that got Brandon Lee Killed and the one that they had to put in a replacement. When They had finished all but those two scenes they went back to the first skipped one. The producer fired the weapons specialsts because they were costing too much money. It was a scene were Brandon was to get shot at by several blank bullets. Horribly one of them turned out to be real. The real shot went through the right abdominen slanting inwards and lodged itself in his spine. When the Director said cut! He couldn't get up from the floor. Nobody realized he was hurt until they saw the blood. He was bleeding profusely and was rushed to the hospital. He would have survived if the doctors could have prevented all the bleeding. But they were unsuccesful. Brandon Lee died march 31 around 1:00 pm. He was supposed to be getting married in April.....

Paintball guns :)
Simunitions only :)
Real guns with rubber/plastic/sims :eek: