A good S&W gunsmith?


New member
I have a M1917 that's in need of some TLC. The weapon is out of time, has some endshake and isn't locking up that tight. My local gunsmith is a bit lacking, so I thought I'd try online. I already called the factory, but was told they won't work on anything that old.

So, where is good place to send an old S&W for a complete overhaul?


New member
How "complete" are you talking? What's your budget?

For the Full Monty, check out Dave Chicoine at Old West Gunsmith. It's who S&W themselves recommend for factory-like work on older gun.

Other excellent S&W revolver smiths that comes to mind are Hamilton Bowen, Alex Hamilton, Jim Stroh, David Clements, Grant Cunningham and Richard Fletcher. I can personally recommend Cunningham and Fletcher. Unfortunately, Cunningham's not accepting new work.

For specialized custom S&W revolver work, particularly for revolvers to be used in competition, there's Randy Lee, Mark Hartshorne, Alan Tanaka, Travis Strahan, Sandy Garrett, Frank Glenn and Randy Hollowbush. Doesn't sound like any of these would be the best fit for you, though.


New member
Thanks for the reply! I've e-mailed Dave Chicoine and we'll see what he says. I'm not looking for a 100% restoration. I'd just like the revolver returned to shooting condition.


AmericanPistol.com, S&W gunsmiths...

I'd look into the PC gunsmiths of Smith & Wesson. They may have a lot of options or services.
Other sources include: www.AmericanPistol.com . They have a long list of skilled gunsmiths.
Gunsmiths I heard of who work on S&Ws include Andy Canon Clark Custom Guns and Cylinder & Slide. Mag-Na-Port in MI or Robar in AZ may help too.


New member
If you can find him call Frank Smith in Comanche, Texas. Frank has been an authorized S&W repair station for many years. He used to have a shop in Plano. TX, but the lucky dog married a gal who owned a ranch in Comanche where he has been ever since. Some guys have all the luck.;)