A good day at the range.


New member
Well after my last outing with too hot rounds wasn't too good coupled with the fact i had a POI shift on my zero that i adjusted for, i was getting a little worried i was losing it :eek:
The Rifle & Me

Just the rifle

GAP Milling reticle at 17x viewing a full size IPSC at 500yds


Anyhow finally got to stretch the Hornady 178gr BTHP match out some and they didn't disappoint.

Before we left figured i'd get a video of my friend hitting some steel, got one through the spotting scope as well. Added an HD upload of both clips.
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Outstanding. Good to hear. We've all had some really bad range days, and really good ones are fairly rare, at least for me (I'm always trying something new, so....). Oh, really nice rifle.
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New member
I thought my last 10 shot group at 200 yards (with my .308) was okay but you've got me beat! Good shooting!


Do I get a break for being a 58 year old geezer?


New member
In the first picture and what i shot with most of the day was TAB gear rear bag.

The one in the picture of the rifle is one i just got in by str8laced precision

Though on this video i thought the str8laced bag had more room to maneuver it though it's filled pretty full or at least mine is. Though it is ultra light at 6 ounces. I think you can order them half fill, or some guys talked about taking half the stuffing out. They can be found at sincity precision and third gen shooting supply.

Pbcaster that's an excellent group at 200yds. I only shot three shots after all. There is also one below that three shot group, i was just making sure my dope was right. Then started the three shot string and my buddy told me to hold my POA where ever i was holding because they were stacking. Probably should've fired at least two more.
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New member
Great shooting. Its easy to have a bad day and start questioning things. We all do it. You got a shooter on your hands with that rifle.