A good day at the range


New member
This Saturday I took my fiance' out to the local indoor pistol range. It's so hot here in Texas that it would just be miserable to shoot outdoors (115+ degrees)

I picked up some ammo at wal mart for my .45 and my .357 Sig for a relatively good price ($18 for the .45 ACP and $29.99 for the .357)

The last time I shot my pistol I could hit my target, but my grouping wasn't so great.
This time, I spent a lot of focus on my trigger worked, and am very surprised of the results.

Since we shared targets, this poor target looks like it was hit by buckshot. But part of that is my woman getting used to shooting both of my handguns (she effectively hit minute of man on every shot which I am so excited about). She's a small framed person so I wouldn't ever have thought she could even reliably shoot big handguns like my .45 (1911) and .357 Sig (SA XD)
The headshots were from me mostly and the few missed shots were my failed attempts to use proper trigger control (when I first started shooting) which was later corrected and every headshot after was a solid hit.
My fiance even made some nice neck/head shots at 15 yards on another target.

Anyway, just some shooter's excitement that I have majorly improved my handgun shooting abilities by taking my Rifle Marksmanship knowledge and applying it to my handgun work.

I would post pictures of the other target, but my fiance took it home so she could show it off.


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