A girl!


New member
whoo hoo!, when ya due?

AWESOME! Mrs. Spazz and I found out last month that our first is gonna be a boy! We are due in late April...how about you guys?

Good luck.



New member
A Girl?

Time for a new gun. My daughter is 18, a knockout, (unbiased, I judge that by the hordes of boys that hang around her house...) and very level headed. Even with that, she knows that the first thing she says to youg men when the subject of parents come is "My dad carries a REALLY big gun all the time."

That usually keeps them on their best behaviour.

Miss Demeanors

New member
Congrats! I have a daughter (6) and let me tell you they are very enjoyable....well right now. When the boys come along thats when we start having problems ;)

Congrats again to you and the Mrs!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus

Dave R

New member
Eric, you are indeed blessed.

Pardon me while I reveal my sexist nature. I belive a first girl is better than a first boy (sorry, George). As a father of 7 (gjwandkids, you're a wannabe ;-) jk!) I feel qualified to have an opinion. You see, when a girl is 4-5 yrs, she really enjoys helping mom in various useful ways. On the other hand, a boy, at age 4-5, basically wants to destroy things. This advantage tends to invert itself at puberty, though.

One other thing to look forward to, Eric...you will adore your newborn at birth. And rightfully so. But when the child hits 3 months or so, the personality starts to appear, the responses begin to get more personal, and your love will go to a new dimension that cannot be described.


New member
You're right Dave, I am a wannabe. I wanna be a mother of seven. (My beloved has a great line he gives out when people ask us "Did you WANT five children?" He replies, "No we WANT seven, but you have to have five first." :)

So Eric, have you decided which gun you're buying your wife? (My beloved bought me a .22 bolt action on the birth of our fifth. If I get pregnant with twins he's gonna have to start saving that money early. I'm going to want a cannon.)


Sorry George.

George-a girl is a smaller version of your wife.:)
Pay no attention to what she said george,
I think what gjwandkids meant was, a younger version of your wife:D

oooo, I'm bad, i'm real bad. they call me 'badmedicine'!!:D:D


New member
No I meant smaller. I have no idea how old his wife is and I didn't want to insult her by insinuating that she is old.

2 things you never ask a woman. Her weight or her age. :)

Erik-Why stop at one of each? Take at least two of each, they're small. (At least in the beginning.)

Gopher .45

New member
Erik, your heart is about to be stolen (again) and you will come to realize (again) why keeping well-trained is important. My daugher is 13 months old now. She is our first. How could I have been so naive? No matter how much you prepare for the joyous arrival, you will never be prepared enough again, no matter how much you try. Congrats and best of luck!


She'll be born on the 5th... that's a great day :D.


We need more smart women folk in the RKBA and this is the best way to do it!


*Oh, the Marlin .22 single shot is a good buy. I would suggest this for her first B-Day (which is going to be on the 5th :D).

Now, buy her a NRA jr. membership and start her out right.

Joegerardi does share some good advice which I will pass onto a co-worker who has four daughters.