A General Theory of American Politics

Munro Williams

New member
"Running for, and holding political office is an effective government affirmative action program for hiring the severely mentally handicapped. It gives mental defectives something to do. It makes them feel good about themselves. It keeps them off the street where they might otherwise hurt themselves. It does not require mental competence. It lets the mentally handicapped feel they are leading productive lives. The presidential frontrunners and the sitting president would be incapable of doing anything else.

It explains everything."

--Robert L. Kocher

Anyone else agree with this analysis?

[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited June 02, 2000).]


Moderator Emeritus
Substitute greedy, arrogant, craven, evil and elitist for "mental defective" and I'll agree with it.

It's too easy to dismiss and ignore the real threat if we believe them to be merely mentally defective. They aren't and they engage in a premeditated, purposeful campaign to subjugate and enslave humanity. I sincerely believe they are the greatest threat to liberty since Stalin and Mao.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Keiller TN

New member
Munro, I tend to agree with DC, but I beleive there are some statesmen in office today. It seems like it is hard for this kind of person to become president, though. Look at how Gore tries to look like a conservative and Bush, somewhat, more liberal. This must work in getting gullible people to vote for them. I voted for Keyes in the primary. I think he would be a statesman. The media gives him the silent treatment, so people figure he is not a viable option. I like the tax payers party candidate (Howard Phillips?) He reeeeally gets the silent treatment. Maybe the quieter the media, the better the candidate. In reality, many people just will not vote for Phillips and Keyes. So I am left with voting for the lesser of two socialists.

Alexander Solzhenitzyn:
"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."

Munro Williams

New member
Paranoia, megalomania, and sadism are mental illnesses, and I can't think of any other explanation for Clinton, Gore, Stalin, et. al.

Apple a Day

New member
The problem with y'alls' thinking is that you are under the mistaken impression that out elected officials are there for OUR benefit. Really, they function with the sole purpose of staying where they are... in office, in power. As long as they keep us stirred up and fighting one another about stupid issues such as exactly how illegal it is to shoot other people then we don't notice that they keep voting themselves pay raises, writing everything in the world up to their expense accounts, and generally living off the sweat of our brows. In the meantime general maintenance is not done on important issues like the education system, the sad shape of our road system, healthcare for older folks, following a sane foreign policy... making America a good place to live for anyone other than the rich.
Sorry, sometimes I rant. Have a nice day.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>... In the meantime general maintenance is not done on important issues like the education system, the sad shape of our road system, healthcare for older folks, following a sane foreign policy... making America a good place to live for anyone other than the rich. ...[/quote] Oooh! I sense some socialism oozing out here .... <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>education system - Contrary to accepted opinion, this is not federal business. They are involved due to extortionate practices arising out of federal "fund-sharing" <LI>road system - only the interstate system and US highway system is federal, but with federal funds involved, as in the education systems of the various states, the feds set a lot of rules (55 mph speed limit)<LI>healthcare for older folks - My, my. We are a victim of Clinton News Network aren't we! Sorry, state business.<LI>a sane foreign policy - NOW you're talking about a federal responsibility!<LI>making America a good place to live for anyone other than the rich. ... SAY WHAT?</UL>

"... the rich ..."? ROTFLMAO !!!

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited June 05, 2000).]

Apple a Day

New member
I was referring to politicians in general, at every level, not just those at the top of the dungheap.
education: I am a teacher and am sick of the insane regulations and mandates/hoops we have to jump through while our hands are tied
healthcare: I have a grandmother who is now completely BROKE because of medical bills. She was unlucky enough to get cancer and is on the ragged edge of destitution as a result.
Not a flame but if people spent half as much time working on problems instead of telling us it's someone else's responsibility then the problems wouldn't BE problems any more.
Have a nice day:^)

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I once worked with a fellow, Ed Patterson III, who quit teaching Political Science at the University level and got an honest job.

One day, after much thought and many Budweisers, he opined that:

"There will not be revolution in this country until the price of a six-pack of beer exceeds the mandated minimun hourly wage rate."

Ed is a wise and practical man. Much in the vein of Thomas Jefferson who said, "Any society is but three meals from revolution."

The basics.



New member
I'll have to weigh in on this one.

See, if all we had at the Government level were a bunch of drooling idiots, we would be relatively safe. The problem is that we have instead cunning and smart ambitious visionaries.

This kind of animal is extremely dangerous. I have recently read a book on the subject (political philosophy, you may say) by Thomas Sowell. In it, the author links some of the most macroscopic social atrocities and political blunders with the visions of a few self-anointed. Everything from Nazism and Communism to the big, catastrophic illusion of the 20's and 30's "Disarmament" (that eventually lead to WWII!) is explained in light of how a few visionaries (Stalin, Hitler, Chamberlain) viewed themselves as true Messiahs.

The same is true of the "crusaders" of today - the Clintons and Schumers, to name but 2. They are smart, they are ambitious and they think they could solve humanity's problems if only they were not impeded by such "unenlightened" hurdles as the opposition party, the "masses", facts, and (most of all!) that stupid antiquated Constitution.

That's why the more they "have a vision", the more they are tyrannical and antidemocratic.

Instead, the true drooling idiots are put in the bureaus that these visionaries inevitably wind up creating to support their complex social-engineering machines. All they have to do is follow procedures, be slow and not think.

Ever been inside an INS office? ;)