A Garand


New member
I won one of the Lottery slots for the CMP AMCs (Advanced Maintenance Clinics in Anniston Alabama. Just finished the clinic yesterday.

The clinic provides students with the knowledge of the function, assembly and maintenance of the M1 Garand. During the course you build a Garand choosing from hundreds of parts with a new barrel and stock.

First you choose an action. Some people try to make collectors, some, shooters. I went the shooter route. A Garand is a Garand and as a military rifle, they have been rebuilt at least once, and in the process from different parts.

The later post war garands have the best steel so I went that route, a late mode SA action.


Then I installed and head spaced the barrel. Since this will be a target rifle I chose to have a tight chamber.


Checked and fitted the gas system, op rod. Put the trigger and bolt together. Installed the sights.

You chose between the later sight or the earlier lock bar. I'm a shooter, I don't favor I adjust so I skipped on the lock bar sight.

Fitted the stock and checked for any rubbing. Ending up with something that looks like this.


Of course there is a lot more detail involved and I have more pictures but you get the point with out making this post huge.

The rifle is test fired for function. You can take it home or save the sales tax and have it shipped. I took the rifle with me because I wanted to shoot it.

The CMP Talladega Range is without a doubt the best in the world, 500 acres of rifle, pistol and shot gun ranges.

I chose the 200-300,600 yard range with electronic targets so no target pullers needed. You go to the Club House, pay the fee for the range you want to shoot ($20 for the high power range). Load your gear in a golf cart (provided) drive to the firing point tell the range office what range you want to shoot and they put up the target.

Again this is a target rifle so I started at 200 to get zeros. Shot a couple rounds, reset the screen and shot ten rounds. The ammo I used was the Greek HXP Surplus M-2 ball


I then had the targets changed to 300 yards, made my come ups and fired a couple rounds to confirm the Garand sights and fired another 10 shot string.


Then changed the 600 yard target. Made the required sight corrections, fired a couple sighters then a 10 round string.


The rifle worked and cant shoot. I however need work. It was 98 degrees and humid. (I don't like hot) switching winds and instead of checking the wind in the spotting scope I was watching the shot screen. Plus I think I could have loaded some better ammo.

But, since this rifle will be shoot in CMP Garand Matches at 200 yards, I think it will work.

Got to love the M1 Garand.

Again that CMP Range is simple amazing, regardless what you shoot, pistol, rifle shotgun, 3-gun, whatever they have a range for you.

Sorry about being long winded. Now I get to head back to Wyoming with my new rifle.


New member
Sweet! Congrats, Kraig. Looks to be a shooter.

I'm not familiar with electronic scoring, though - looks like you had 3 200Y Xs, but you got scored for 2. Is the 10.9 an X? What do the decimals indicate? Looks like you round up?

I've heard a number of really good things about the CMP range, and I'd love to get down there someday. But an August day in Alabama wouldn't be my first choice, even for a Carolinian. :p

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
kraigwy, if you're ever headed south, check out the Whittington Center ranges at Raton. I guess, east-to-west, there are two miles of ranges, plus the (at least) two shotgun ranges. Many events; the busy time is May-September.



New member
I've been waiting for this post since you announced you won the lottery. Great info lucky dog. I'm going to apply next year. Just curious did you have the option to go 308? How long was the clinic? Was it a criterion barrel?


New member
What a great opportunity! How often are the lotteries for this class? Do you have a web link? (I tried to find it but I'm an Old Guy and not very computer/Internet savvy..... And my kids aren't around right now to help.)

James K

Member In Memoriam
Great shooting, and a good rifle to get those results.

Even though I am not the OP, I will note that "milled" trigger guards are often preferred because they are easier to unlatch with a cartridge or a cleaning rod than the stamped variety.



New member
- looks like you had 3 200Y Xs, but you got scored for 2. Is the 10.9 an X? What do the decimals indicate?

The decimals show you were in the scoring ring you are. For example a 8.5 would be half way from the 8 ring to the 9 ring. An 8.1 would be barely an 8, where a 8.9 would be almost an 9.

Though it looks like there were three X's there were only 2. They target system only takes the exact center of the bullet. Where in normal target scoring it might have touched the ring which would give you the higher score. In this target system you don't have the advantage of the larger diameter bullet over the smaller. Both only take account the exact center of the bullet.

Was there a special reason for picking a milled trigger guard?

James K is correct. The milled trigger guard is more ridged then the stamped guard.

The stamped one is more "springie" I don't want any "springie" in my rifles. I want ridged. The trigger guard holds the action in the stock. It needs to be solid with no give.


New member

We're having another CMP Clinic and GSM match next Saturday, the 22nd. if you're up for a little trip.

9 AM.

The Club is having a Bowling Pin shoot at the same time, but the Pin shoot doesn't last long and wont effect us.

However if enough people want to shoot the Pin Match and Clinic I'll start the Clinic right after the Pin match, and the GSM match to follow.

If you want to shoot more then one gun I'll run relays as long as people want to shoot.


New member
Very nice. I have a few Garands that I got from the CMP North Store years ago. Last month I found a .308 (Tanker) Garand and love it.

I would love to shoot at a range with electronic tracking that is very nice.


New member
^very nice Garand kraigwy, i would like to get a 'beater" Garand in 30-06, then have it converted to use BAR mags vs. the enbloc clips, i heard there is a kit you can buy that makes it so a Garand can use BAR mags, but it might be hearsay.