A Few Shots From the Range


New member
Went to the range today to try and improve my photography and my marksmanship. Just thought I'd throw some pics on here for the viewing pleasure of my fellow members.





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New member
And, yes, all safety rules were strictly followed. There was nobody on the other side of the camera, nor were my hands anywhere near it. It was all set to just shoot automatically.


New member
I say we take up a collection and buy Scorpian a new shirt....

Hey, Scorp... don't fret... I think it's all in fun....

Really really good photography... that had to be a video that you took still pics off of right?

howd you do it and what with?


New member
Ha ha... I didn't dress to impress I guess. This was mostly just practice so when I get someone who is better looking and is willing to spend more money on sunglasses and shirts I can take the pics of them shooting.

How I did it was very simple. They are all still shots, I have a Digital SLR camera that I put up on a tripod about a foot or so on the other side of the firing line. I then took some time to focus and frame it and set it up to just take pictures as fast as it could and as many as it could. I then just hit the switch, picked up my gun, and started shooting. The camera did all the work.

I did it this way so I could concentrate on the shooting, not the photography. The last thing I wanted to do was have an incident because I was more worried about the pictures than safety. The area I did this in was pretty secluded with no other shooters.

Hopefully some pals of mine will be willing to go shooting this weekend so I can get some better pics.


New member
Nice shots. Noticed that in all of the pistol shots the pistol was in slide lock. Was that done purposely? Reviewing them again I see that they are action shots!
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New member
I love that short vent ribbed barrel with the mag extension. Did you have to cut it down yourself? It doesn't look to be more than 20" and all the 20" barrels I've seen lack the rib. And it's an 870 right?


New member
Nice shots. Noticed that in all of the pistol shots the pistol was in slide lock. Was that done purposely? Reviewing them again I see that they are action shots!

Going off the OP's description of how he set it up...

He likely had a LOT of pictures from this session, a great majority of which weren't all that great. He probably picked the "cream of the crop" so to speak to share with us.

This is typical for most photography sessions. Very few photographers get the "perfect shot" the first time. It usually takes a lot of pictures to get one or two good ones.


New member
This is typical for most photography sessions. Very few photographers get the "perfect shot" the first time. It usually takes a lot of pictures to get one or two good ones.

A lot = about 700 that day.

I love that short vent ribbed barrel with the mag extension. Did you have to cut it down yourself? It doesn't look to be more than 20" and all the 20" barrels I've seen lack the rib. And it's an 870 right?

It's an 18.75" barrel. I bought it used from a pawn shop like that. I re-did the finish and replaced the original stock and forend with the ones in the picture. Then I threw on the cheapest barrel extension I could find. Yes it's an 870 Super Mag.