A few pics from today

Participated in a Vintage Military Bolt Action Rifle competition today. I was shooting an 8mm Mauser, as were many others. Iron sights shooting between 200-400 yards.




At one stage we fired a few rounds through an authentic Colt M1911.



New member
What type of competition was it? Just out of curiosity, any reason you don't use the sling?

The scenery looks awesome, looks like a good way to spend a Saturday.
Not sure what you mean by what kind of competition.

I've never used a sling to steady my gun. Not to say you cannot use it to great effect, I just never have. Didn't notice anyone there doing that either and there were so very good shots there. I was not one of them... and I won't blame the gun. It is very accurate when I do my part, but I am not used to shooting with these types of iron sights at 400 yards.

Even the 1911 was hard for me to shoot. I've never shot an old school 1911 like that and I was shooting super low with it. I normally shoot much better with pistols so I was maybe a little over confident with that one to start out with.

I'm much better and more comfortable with an AR15 in a tactical carbine course situation. I got outside of my comfort zone and it was a whole heck of a lot of fun.

Don P

New member
+1 for Rob228 on using the sling. Using the sling will make the average rifle shooter better. They put the sling on a rifle for more than just carrying it. Look into the Appleseed Project here at www.appleseedinfo.org and attend a shoot and they will teach you how and why to use a sling
Ask a sniper or former sniper what the sling is for.


New member
+1 for Rob228 on using the sling. Using the sling will make the average rifle shooter better. They put the sling on a rifle for more than just carrying it. Look into the Appleseed Project here at www.appleseedinfo.org and attend a shoot and they will teach you how and why to use a sling
Ask a sniper or former sniper what the sling is for.

What he said.....


New member
Ask a sniper or former sniper what the sling is for.

Funny, every time I see a picture of a sniper they are either using a bipod or have their gun on sandbags. Seriously though there are guys that can shoot better just holding the gun rather than "slinging up". I just aint one of them.

My brother wants me to get into these kinds of shoots but my mosin cant hit the broad side of a barn while I'm standing inside it. Maybe if I get that Enfield or Mauser Ive always wanted.

Don P

New member
but my mosin cant hit the broad side of a barn while I'm standing inside it.
Have you or anyone else tried to sight in YOUR Mosin? I would suggest that someone sight in the Mosin. Another thing that the Appleseed Project will teach. My 2 Mosins are close enough for use at a Appleseed shoot. Both are NOT DEAD ON, BUT close enough.(3 MOA left and down) and (3 MOA left and 4 down)
Ah yes perhaps using the sling would help in steadying a rifle so the barn can have holes in it.

Funny, every time I see a picture of a sniper they are either using a bipod or have their gun on sandbags
I don't think the snipers in Nam were carrying sandbags and bipods


New member
I've never used a sling to steady my gun.

There are two ways I've seen it done. Either way is pretty basic, you wrap the sling around your support arm to help steady the weapon. I prefer it to wrap around my forearm, but I've also seen people wrap it around their tricep. It's really whatever is comfortable for you and allows you to hold the weapon the steadiest.

Here is an example of around the tricep, http://precisionlongrangehunter.com/images/image009.jpg


New member
Ah yes perhaps using the sling would help in steadying a rifle so the barn can have holes in it.

Maybe you should reread my post Don P. I said I do wrap with the sling. And FYI I have had everyone I know shoot my mosin, it hits paper at 50 yards but it wont hold a group under 10" no matter what ammo I use. Ive used every method, sling wrap, sandbags, lead sled, even a vise where you strap the gun in it. Maybe next time you should think before you get a snooty tooty. I aint in this thread for a fight so dont turn it into one please.

Just a couple pics of snipers from Nam, theres more but I dont feel like posting more.


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New member
nathaniel....wow, 10" group? There's something going on with that Mosin....I've got 4 (1 carbine and 3 rifles) and they'll all hold 3-4 MOA out of the wrap. I accurized the carbine and one rifle, they hold 2-3 MOA now.

http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1326529/how_to_make_your_mosin_nagant_9130.html?cat=11 You might try this link....I "shimmed" mine and it helped. What REALLY helped was replacing the trigger with a Huber: http://www.huberconcepts.com/Mosin-Nagant_Trigger_Replacement.htm

There are also guides online for doing trigger work yourself, to save some bucks. Trigger pull on the rifles I "upgraded" now is pretty decent, instead of awful.

Anyhow, FWIW....


New member
There's something going on with that Mosin

Yup My brothers mosin gets 1.5-2" groups at 100. My bore is good, I had a gunsmith look at it and he did a few things to it. But it still doesnt shoot good at all. Id sell the thing but mom bought it for my 16th birthday and its the only gun my mother has ever bought so Im gonna keep it. I noticed Sportsmans Guide was selling a kit for a 91/30 that came with everything minus the reciever but I dont really dont want to stick any money into it right now when I could just as easily get a good mauser or enfield which is what I originally wanted but you have to give credit to mom for trying. Maybe some day Ill do something with it.


New member
Iron sights shooting between 200-400 yards.
That's awesome. How big is the target that you can even see it at that range? Not having tried iron sights past 100 yards, can you tell me how a small grouping is achieved when all the naked eye can see is a vague shape in the distance? :eek: Good peepers and much skill I'm guessing.
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That's awesome. How big is the target that you can even see it at that range? Not having tried iron sights past 100 yards, can you tell me how a small grouping is achieved when all the naked eye can see is a vague shape in the distance?

I am not sure how big the targets are. No bigger than a human torso though I am guessing. In some cases, there are two targets, a larger target with a smaller target on top representing the "head". 2 points for a "headshot", 1 for a hit to the body.

We are shooting steel plates and a spotter calls out the hits and misses so we never see the "grouping". You can hear the hits, but the spotter will usually tell you where you hit or where you missed to help you adjust for your next shot.