A few California gun laws I was not aware of. Comments?

El Rojo

New member
I was just reading through my California Rifle and Pistol Association "Know Your California Gun Laws" and I found a few interesting ones. If you happen to have a 2002 copy, I will reference the page numbers for you.

On Page 16 it states
If a person has a permit to carry a concealed weapon (CCW), can that person take a fiream to places where the possession of a firearm is normally prhibited (such as courtrooms, schools, state capitol buildings and offices, public meetings, etc.) without prior specific authorization.
Get this. The answer is..."State law generally does allow a CCW holder to take the specific firearm listed on his or her license ot the above mentioned places. WHAT??? I can carry at school? I always thought I was breaking the law.I am going to have to look at the penal code on that one.

On Page 22
I am interested in becoming a reloader but am concerned about storage of gunpowder at my home. Are there any laws or safety guidlines that deal with this subject?
Answer, "State law limts personal possession of gunpowder without a state issued permit to five pounds for black powder and twenty pounds for smokeless powder (Health and Safety Code Section 12001)." What? Only 20 pounds? Good thing I only have 19.5 pounds of powder around. :rolleyes:

I would be interested in hearing more about the CCW thing. I have to go to work so I will have to research it more later. Maybe some of you can do it while I improve inmates living conditions. :barf:

Tim Currie

New member
I would be interested in hearing more about the CCW thing

Me too. I posted a thread about this a few days ago after completing my CCW course. My instructor said that he thinks it is ok to carry on schools, courts, etc but that it was kinda fuzzy. What he said was that from the best legal opinions he has heard that it is legal by CA law, but that you might want to do it because in reality it might get you in trouble.

Unfortunately nobody was able to get me a straight answer.

Chuck Dye

New member

will get you a searchable version of all California codes. As I recall, the weapons on school grounds and in public buildings issue is largely in PC 626. A lot of other weapons law is in PC12020.

N.B.: It is not always what the law itself says but what the case law says. When in doubt, lawyer up!
Ran across a Mencken quote fer all you Californianos

"But in California, as everyone knows, the process of justice is full of unpleasant novelties." H.L. Mencken, 1926:p

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
My comment after having lived in Colorado not quite a month: I miss the People's Republic of California like a case of some wretched venereal disease.


New member
NOTE: I am NOT a lawyer. Do not take this as legal advice. It is worth what you paid for it.

California law does actually allow someone with a California CCW to carry almost anywhere in the state. The exception is courthouses when you are a party to an action and the sterile area of an airport (federal law). However, CCW in the court is still NOT permitted. My understanding is this is true because of a court order and not any part of the law.

You will sometimes see a no weapons sign on state/county buildings, citing penal code 171b. A detailed reading of 171(b) will show that "a person holding a valid license to carry the firearm pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 12050) of Chapter 1 of Title 2 of Part 4" (CCW) is exempt from the law.

School, state buildings, etc. are all ok. California has little to no restrictions on carry.

Be responsible,


New member
The reason the law allows carrying anywhere is because only the well conected DemocRAT (i.e. Boxer, Feinstein et al.) or Hollywood slime (a.k.a. an actor.:barf: ) can get one.:rolleyes:

El Rojo

New member
WOW! I have been carrying onto school campuses to go to ball games and what not all this time thinking I was breaking the law! What a great day!

Blades67, I was thinking that exact same thing. Why limit where people can carry if the only people with a permit are liberals and everyone knows the laws need not apply to liberals. Thank God for Kern County. Anyone can get a CCW here, otherwise how would I get one?


New member
Answer, "State law limts personal possession of gunpowder without a state issued permit to five pounds for blackpowder and twenty pounds for smokeless powder (Health and Safety Code Section 12001)."


New member
My CCW has typed ON it.

Not valid if consuming alcohol.
Not valid within 1000' of any school.

But......there are exceptions. I live in a house that ADJOINS a school. I have read (on here I think) that exception exists for owned property within the boundary and reasonable right to pass for other purposes.


Moderator Emeritus

now i just need good cause in orange county...anyone know one that works?

I take it that "because it's my constitutional right" is not considered a good cause? ;)