A few 1,00 pictures -------------------6.5/284


New member
We were out this morning at ''YOUNG'S LONG SHOT '', the best range in Indiana!
I brought the camera and took a few shoots that I thought you gun nuts might enjoy..............................
You can kind of see where the woods are out the at 1,000 yards, or a little over 1/2 mile as I like to reference it. It's hard to tell in this picture.

Here's what the steel plates look like through a 42 power Night Force Scope at 1,000 yards. The big steel plate is 36'', the next one is 24'', then 12''.

Here's 3 shots on the 24'' plate, it was a little windy, so I stopped at 3 shots so I could have a picture of a nice group. I know the 4th or 5th shot would have been a flier (LOL).


New member
The Range is in Woodruff Indiana, do a search for ''Young's Long Shot''. It's the only 1,000 yard range in Indiana, it's GREAT!!!
My rigg is a Barnard Lt. Port, Lt. Bolt Action, Burris Rings hold a 12-42 x 56 Night Force Scope. I forget what kind of 20MOA Base I used. It's a Krieger, 1:8 Twist in 6.5/284, it's 30'' long with a Vias Break sitting on a McMillan Stock. I use 50.5 Grains of 4831SC with a 142 Grain SMK in Lapua Brass. I've tried different primers but I can't see a difference. It runs about 2950 FPS.


New member
Once in a while, I walk and run to the target. I can't even run a 1/2 mile anymore : - (
Most of the time I use the John Deere Gator that is supplied by the owners of the range. They've got everything there, it's all on the honor system. There are snacks, soft drinks, Spray Paint to repaint the steel plates after you shoot them up, paper targets (not to eat), even some tools and cleaning supplies.
There's even an indoor ( HEATED ) area for winter shooting, they set up drop down windows so you can shoot from inside.


New member
Hi Glenner: Great shooting

Wow, looks like about a 4" group (at a 1000 yards). Sure as heck can't shoot too much better than that I would think. I have never even attempted a shot at that distance but always admired the folks who could.


New member
It's really a bit more than 6''...............................on a calm day with a custom built 6.5/284 shooting off a rest, you could do it.
Once you've done all the work to get there, it's not too hard. I shot a couple of long range matches for my first time last year. One was a 600 yard match, the other was at 800, 900 and 1,000. The good guys that you're talking about (not me) are the guys that can read the wind as it's changing, make the right adjustments and still make hits in the Bulls Eye.
I did OK at the matches, but the guys that beat me waxed me pretty good. THEY know what they're doing!
I would say more like incredible... I'm about 3/4 done with a custom 6.5 X 284... mine is done on a BRNO action & wears shielen 1 in 8 twist full bull barrel at 28"... I got a Richards Micro fit camo laminated thumb hole heavy tactical pillar bedded on the gun right now... I need to reshape the cheek piece, as the bolt is too long ( it's a 30-06 action )... I had a custom machined 25 MOA base made, but haven't decided on a scope yet ( or alocated the funds :eek: ) for glass... I plan on loading 139 grain Scenars in the Lapua brass...

I have a 300 yard range at home, but think I can go to 1200 yards in the spring & fall, when the crops are out... I'm hoping I can hit MO ( 55 gallon drum ) :eek: at that distance... a 6" group IMO is incredible... awesome shooting


New member
Glenner-- your set up, your range and the whole gig is terrific. I'll bet you have a blast at that. I would expect it's a member's only range, not public access? What do you pay to be a member?

Very, very cool. It's a whole different kind of shooting from what I'm familiar with. You could probably find some shooting at Camp Perry, not all too far from you. (though a little closer to me!)


New member
The Range is in Woodruff Indiana, do a search for ''Young's Long Shot''. It's the only 1,000 yard range in Indiana, it's GREAT!!!
My rigg is a Barnard Lt. Port, Lt. Bolt Action, Burris Rings hold a 12-42 x 56 Night Force Scope. I forget what kind of 20MOA Base I used. It's a Krieger, 1:8 Twist in 6.5/284, it's 30'' long with a Vias Break sitting on a McMillan Stock. I use 50.5 Grains of 4831SC with a 142 Grain SMK in Lapua Brass. I've tried different primers but I can't see a difference. It runs about 2950 FPS.

WOW! Talk about a nice setup. Great shooting too...


New member
My 1000yd rifle is a 6.5x284 Tube rifle with a 30" Kreiger HV 1x8 twist, wears a NF BR12x42 in Burris Xtreme rings on a 20 degree base. It is an addictive sport. Shot in my 4th match and get a little better each time. My best load is 142SMKs over 49.5g 4350, Lapua case, CCIBR LR primers chronos at 2940
Here's a pic of my son shooting it at Tullahoma, TN last summer - :D

From the firing line
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New member
I see these beautiful pictures of these thousand yard ranges and I think of what a bunch of land is being wasted on GOLF COURSES. :D (I know some folks disagree) Golf courses are pretty to look at, but a thousand yard range can be nearly as beautiful and OH SO MUCH more useful! :cool:


New member
I shot a match at Atterbury, I thought you could only get in there to shoot matches. Can you get in there or become a member?

Yes, it's members only, you can bring a visitor for $30 per day. It's $200 for a single membership or $300 for a Family membership. The owners are GREAT people! ! ! !
If you guys know someone that's interested in becoming a member, have them call Deb @ 260-350-2835..
Camp Perry is 3 1/2 hours for me, this range is a 50 minute drive.

That rigg of yours ought to be bad to the bone at 1,000. I suspect you're finding that the good guys are great loaders and even greater wind readers. It's an art!

THANKS for the compliments Gents!