A devastating Wal-Mart story


New member
My sister in law quit her job as the sporting goods manager at wally world. :mad:

For years, she has called me to let me know of the "clearance sales" and more importantly, when a returned gun was back from the gunsmith.

After the smith checked it out, the sold them at cost to ...you guessed it...yours truly.

Wal mart had a policy here that let folks return guns for a full refund, and a lot of them were returned after hunting season. I don't believe they do that any more, but check your local WM and make nice with the manager, you might end up with some nice deals.

I appreciate all the support here as I face up to my loss. *...sob!*


New member
my condolences

It is truly sad when we lose a loved source of cheap toys.

You have our deepest sympathy in that you'll now be paying regular prices.

I can hardly see to type through the tears.

I'll be sending a bouquet of bullets via FTD shortly. What caliber?

Hang in there during your period of bereavement. Our hearts are with you.


New member
Call your SIL's husband and get him to pull rank... and right damn now :)

How DARE she do this to family.

She certainly wouldn't be getting a Christmas card from me this year.

Now that she hosed up your deal, you have been fiscally damaged. I would call a lawyer and sue her right back behind the counter at WalMart... until I got all the stuff I wanted - which would mean she better make peace with that happy little smiley face guy.

She might even retire there... and you do of course know that WalMart just loves to employ seniors. Maybe she could work another few of decades.

If push comes to shove, you might have to work there for the employee discount.

Oh God, the humanity of it all...


Mal H

utaherrn said:
I'll be sending a bouquet of bullets via FTD shortly.
A glimpse into the future: FTD = Firearms Teleport Delivered. :)

rangermonroe - My sincerest condolences.

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Wal-Mart doesn't sell guns and little ammo here on the Contra Costa/Alameda county boarder. Must be redlined. Or maybe bluelined considering the area.


New member
if there's a walmart here, i'd probably get a part time work in the sporting goods just for that employee discount.
they sell ammo here in socal, it must be because you're too close to SF.


New member
Wanna hear a sad story? Our local wally world doesn't even sell firearms anymore, and I think ammo is going next. But the really sad part is that they didn't even have a sale on them, they just disapeared one day. :(


I remember when Wal-Mart sold handguns.

Now they are caving to the anti's in many stores in the communist states.

I dream of a world where an American can walk into a store, any store, and buy any firearm, including fully auto and a case of ammo to go with it.

*sigh*, just another beer can dream I guess.

Sorry for your loss, you can try to get a part time job so you can get the same deals as well as the employee discount :D.


larry starling

New member
I for one am glad Wal-mart is getting out of selling guns and ammo in some area's! Now before you brand me a liberal left wing nut, here are my reasons!

1.Wal-mart sell's a very limited selection of guns! what a few remingtons and savages! oh and marlin .22's! so what! My personal feeling is that they tend to hurt the local mom and pop gun stores!
2.There ammo choices are pretty limited also! I don't like Winchester white box ammo! Quality seems to be hit and miss!
I don't buy firearms from wal-mart! I try not to shop[ there at all! :eek:


New member
I was looking through wal-mart's rifles the other day, and I was very suprised to find that they are selling Weatherby Mark Vs. They had them chambered in 7mm. This suprised the heck out of me. I was also saddened, as I have always thought of Weatherby as a maker of very nice firearms, but these looked very cheap and poorly finished. Even if they shoot well, they don't look nice.


New member
Walmart Sporting Goods

I just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. I actually do work in the Sporting Goods department at the local Walmart where I live. First of all Walmart is not getting out of the gun sales business. My understanding of what happened in parts of California is some of the stores lost their FFL license because they were not keeping the proper records required by the ATF and/or they were not filling out the forms out properly when selling guns to customers. Because of what happened there with stores losing their FFL license they are now extremely strict as to how the forms are filled out and filed.

Secondly I am 99.99% sure the Weatherby 7mm was a Vanguard not a Mark V. I am very familiar with the weapons that can be ordered in and a Mark V is not one of the them.

And one other thing I always try to lead someone that is interested in a Rem 710 to consider something else :)


How good is the discount at walmart for working there? If its honestly that great I may consider it LOL. Even though I hate WalMart I wouldnt mind saving on ammoy and getting cheap but decent guns.


New member
How good is the discount at walmart for working there? If its honestly that great I may consider it LOL. Even though I hate WalMart I wouldnt mind saving on ammoy and getting cheap but decent guns.
you get 10% off for the discount.i know cause i used to work for them.they were nice enough to fire me about a week ago now.:(
i used to love working the sporting goods dept.(overnight stocking) get to look at all the guns :D
scary thing i found out about the people that work in the walmart that i worked at,they weren't very knowledgeable about guns and gun laws.
:barf: walmart :barf:


New member
dont know about where you all live at but the wally mart where i am can get about whatever you want.if theres a firearm legal to sell in the us of a (except handguns dammit) they can order special order it for you.