A day at the range ... couple hours, actually.


New member
I had a rare day off yesterday so I asked the wife if she wanted to go to the local range and do some shooting. And of course she did ...

"Whatcha wanna shoot?"

"The ARs"

So I loaded up a couple cases and range bag full of ammo and off we went.

Now, Uncle George's is a great gun range. While the facilities are primitive, its cheap, the atmosphere is friendly and laid back. All shooters are courteous and safe. I've seen a few cowboys there, but mostly just locals having a good time.

I always meet some one new and chat for a while and always bump into an old friend I had lost touch with. And this day was no different.

The wife sits down with her AR15 and begins plinking away. Round after round after round. And at 100 yards off of a rest, she is grouping inside of a 3" circle.

She then gives the AR10 a try and busts off about 30 rounds with similar results.

Then the 10/22 is broken out and she empties a bulk pack of Federals into the backstop.

I realized, I hadn't shot but maybe 30 or 40 rounds total, while she sent 100 rounds down range. And I was OK with that.

Does any one get as big of a kick out of watching friends and loved ones enjoy a day at the range as they do shooting?

Any way ... it was a great day ... one of those that you remember.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
mitchntx said:
Does any one get as big of a kick out of watching friends and loved ones enjoy a day at the range as they do shooting?

Very much so. Target shooting holds no particular joy for me, it's generally more tedious than fun. I only do it to work up loads or confirm sight-in after extended lack of use. I'd much rather watch friends and family enjoy themselves, especially with my guns and ammo.


New member
There are few things better than family time at the range. I really enjoy taking my daughter shooting and it's made better when other family members are there.


New member
Few things are more fun,,,

Few things are more fun,,,
Than taking a newbie to the range.

I work at a university and hang with a lot of undergrads,,,
I've posted several times about the good experiences I've had with them.

And yes, like you I find myself standing and watching a lot or loading for them.

I always wonder if I take too many guns,,,
But on their first time out I like to give them a "tour".

  • Colt Frontier Scout in .22 LR so they know single action cowboy style revolvers.
  • Ruger 22/45 semi-auto target pistol so they know single action semi-auto pistols.
  • The Harem (model 63, model 67, model 686, model 629) so they know the gamut of frame sizes and calibers.
  • Beretta Cheetah in .380 so they know small frame DA/SA semi-auto's.
  • CZ-75B in 9mm so they know full size DA/SA semi-autos.

Most of the time we don't shoot all of them,,,
But I take them all just in case they feel adventurous,,,
The last young lady I took to the range fell in love with my 6" S&W Model 686.

But yes,,,
It's great fun to facilitate what is often their first shooting experience.


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New member
Hello all,
I try and go to the range every Saturday with some friends, but the range charges non-members $10 and makes them fill out a Hold-non-Libel form every time.
I took a woman friend out and her boyfriend out to let them shoot some revolvers and a Marlin in 357 Mag. and show them the various action types of .22 LR and she liked it so much that joined the range, the NRA and bought an SP101 in 357 Magnum.
My buddy who I had been educating about firearms and taking to the range for years seemed to forget how to aim and shoot.

Last year we were shooting pistol, and he not very well, when I bet him lunch on the next target. Well he did well enough that we tied so he didn't have to buy me lunch.:D
But here lately he has been a really bad shot, and I can't figure out why.:confused: He knows the fundamentals and I have had him give the safety lecture with the four rules, I'm just frustrated and don't know what to do but keep taking friends out and going over all the fundamentals as if they had never heard them before.
Sorry for the rant, but I'm just frustrated.

Happy shooting