A couple of shootings


New member
Well i can tell you in come parts of the US you would not think about pulling any crap as everyone has a gun close by. When you have a rifle in the back window of your truck i dont think anyone is going to rob you or try and carjack you. when people have had enough they will stand up and say no more!!

the west was not won untill the good guys started shooting back!


New member
I'm glad there are at least a few people who are able to defend themselves over there. For the rest, well I just feel sorry for them.


New member
A little background.




The round fired that went through the wall and hit the sleeping woman was 9mm ball.

If you read these stories you get a small picture of Oakland not all of it by any means. It ain't a bad place to live. I lived there some years back and as 3 of my best friends live in West Oakland I'm there a good bit.



New member
As long as county jails and prisons are a revolving door for criminals who commit burglaries, robberies, assaults and other violent felonies, there will be a crime problem. You got people walking around in their late teens and early twenties with multiple felony convictions and very little time served. There is absolutely no incentive not to commit crime. The Police can arrest them all day long but when the DA and the judge put the guy on probation for the umpteenth time in his young life, he just becomes emboldened to commit more crime. Eventually, he'll get caught pulling the trigger on someone and go to prison for a lengthy stay but by then, someone is dead because the guy was allowed to walk the streets. It's a national disgrace.

But, individuals must take responsibility for their own safety if they want to live. I applaud the citizens who defended themselves against threats on their lives. Now, if only more would do the same.


New member
Great post. Very up to date and important. Cheers to the police who say the defenders were not taking the law into their own hands but exercising their God given right to protect themselves. I am happy to read no charges were filed against the homeowner.


New member
A small gang, possibly two gangs, of thugs have taken to robbing restaurants lately in the Oakland/Berkeley area. (The trend began in S.F. Chinatown a few months back but was stopped fairly quickly by the neighborhood). Picking up the idea another group started. The first one they robbed about two weeks ago. They went in and demanded cash. The manager told them "This is a restaurant. We don't have alot of cash, people pay with cards". Disappointed with the take they held up all the patrons.

They hit 4 more restaurants within the next 10 or so days holding up all the patrons.

Restaurant owners and managers brought guns to work. The cops didn't bother them. Local news interviewed several patrons, "Will you stop going to restaurants?" Most said no. One women, middle aged, said "I don't worry I'm strapped." The reporter asked if she carried a gun, she smiled. He asked if she had a permit, she smiled and went back to reading her book.

The cops have made a couple of arrests. Fools boast, word gets around, someone gets the reward.

One of the articles above is on the shooting death of a woman who was sleeping. Outside her building a commemoration was going on for a youth killed in a drive by. Someone drove by that and started shooting. A 9mm round of hardball went through the stucco wall of her apartment building, through one interior wall and into her head. Something to keep in mind in those endless discussions of what can overpenetrate.
