A couple of ?'s on shipping out of state...


New member
With the AR craze I am going to sell my gun off while prices are high. I have a buyer out of state who wants the gun. I understand I can ship UPS or USPS to his FFL. We are both wondering what is the most secure way to conduct the money transaction. As the seller I want to make sure the money cannot be reversed in any way shape or form and as the buyer he wants to make sure I don't take the money and run. What does everyone recommend who has done this before.

Thanks guys.
Unless you are an FFL you canNOT send a handgun through the US Mail. You can use UPS, FedEx, DHL, or other common carrier. By Federal law, you must inform the carrier that you are shipping a firearm, but they may NOT put anything on the outside of the package to so identify it.

As to payment, your requirements are the buyer's are mutually exclusive, but I understand both positions. Short of using an escrow agent (who would charge a fee, and how would the two of you find one and agree upon the agent's honesty and neutrality?), I'd say the seller should use a postal money order and send it to you by USPS. If he does that and you stiff him, he can file a complaint for mail fraud and the postal inspectors will deal with you.


New member
By Federal law, you must inform the carrier that you are shipping a firearm
I wish you would quit repeating that as it's incorrect.
It is a Fedex and UPS policy. The law only requires you notify them if sending to a Non FFL.



New member
I ended up getting a local buyer so made this sale much easier. Can't believe it, got $1800 for my m&p sport. Tripled my money in 4 months. Crazy.