a couple of my evil blackies


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Nah theyre not that evil actually they are just laying there not even attempting to go out and kill innocent civillians.

Fun looking guns.


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they are evil items. Satan lives in those Hi Cap Mags. That drum mag holds a legion of demons. A mans eyes turn red when he touches one and he seeks out little boys and girls to shoot.

Now tell me that the anti gun nuts don't really see it that way.

Basically, the anti's are hoplophobic ( fear of weapons), Sigmund Freud said that fear of weapons is actually fear of the male apendage. Is it any wonder that the anti's are made up of women and feminized men.
Take a woman to the range.


New member
If Dianne Feinstein sees those, she will fly around the room backwards, flapping her arms all the while......

Actually, those are truly nice looking, IMO.


New member
Nah theyre not that evil actually they are just laying there not even attempting to go out and kill innocent civillians.
Well then, according to the Brady Bunch, they're defective. Either that or someone had a Catholic priest perform an exorcism on them.


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Hey 2002, where did you get the AK gas tube with the scope rail? I need one like that for a bullpup AK I'm building.


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Anon, I was waiting for them to say: "Just go to your local sporting goods store and buy a gun and spend 2 hours at the range"


New member
I love 'em!

Good Job!

Wait a minute, a fear of weapons is due to what?!?!? Boo feminized men!!!!


New member
Wait a minute, a fear of weapons is due to what?!?!? Boo feminized men!!!!

Fear of weapons is termed Hoplophobia. That term was originally coined by Jeff Cooper by taking the Greek word for weapon and adding the phobia. It has some acceptance in the psychological profession as slang if not and actual diagnosis


Freud said fear of weapons is the same as fear of an erect penis, which is called Medorthophobia.
So, what would fear of a bigger gun than I have be?

Let's understand that Hoplophobia is a mental illness. I believe it is caused largely by the liberal media traumatizing the public with pictures of violence and associating it with, or blaming it on, guns. The statement that "Guns cause crime" adds to this. It bypasses the logic center while someone is experiencing low level trauma by inserting the suggestion that an inanimate object can cause something. A totally illogical assertion. Should we allow mentally ill people make public policy? I think not!!