A clone of which S&W?


New member
I was told, that most S&W parts will fit the Astra 357, as it apparently is a S&W clone ... now, this is about the grips only ... if I'd approach an after market grip supplier (that does not make grips for the Astra), what do I have to tell him? ... which S&W frame is that? ... I unfortunately by far don't know enough about revolvers, let alone S&W to determine or give a clue about the frame ...


... any help would be much appreciated ...

cheers and beers

James K

Member In Memoriam
I assume you don't have an S&W for comparison, so the best I can suggest is to take a careful tracing of your grip and send it along to the grip maker. Not many dealers carry a large selection of grips because of the huge investment, but if you can find some S&W grips (K frame, L frame and N frame) you can see if they fit even if the design is not exactly what you want. You can also do that at a gun show if you can find someone with a bunch of take-off grips. (For gun shows, best leave the Astra cylinder at home, so there is no safety question.)



New member
If there is a gunshow in Windhoek, it will probably be of Lets Fetz's gun.:D

Couldn't help myself Jim.:D



New member
... good one :D

... thanks Jim ... I should probably start asking around (find S&W owners) and try exactly that ...