A Chance for Glory (?)

Guy B. Meredith

New member
A question and modest proposal for shoothers' forums.

The Discovery Channel did a show on L.A. SWAT which included some footage on the shootout with Hollywood bank robbers wearing body armor and carrying AK-47s who tore things up a bit. This is the same infamous situation where the police appropriated arms from a local gun store to put them on a more even footing.

I am curious to know whether there are any follow up reports looking into who the suspects were, why they were so seeming nonchalant when surrounded by the police (drugged, death wish, confused, surprised?) and what their agenda was--clean bank robbery, anarchy, suicide with glory?

If there is currently no information available, may I suggest that some member of this forum who aspires to be an investigative author write a book? I mean, aren't books written on everything else? Isn't this what keeps the talk shows alive?

Who knows, you might even get a spot on Rosie O's show if you don't let her see your NRA membership card. (You DO have one, don't you?)


Moderator Emeritus
IIRC..they were career crooks, suspected of pulling some other bank heists and were wanted.
I believe the significant others were grilled by the cops later and looked for the money from the other jobs....didn't find it and the SO's were under suspicion. I believe the BGs felt that they had no choice due to their status as wanted criminals

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
I always wondered if the gun store owner got all his guns back, and was reimbursed for any that might have been trashed.

Also, did he agree to let the cops have them or did they just commandeer them.

Wouldn't it have been ironic if he had made them wait the 15-day waiting period?

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.

Jim V

New member
I think the gun shop owner offered the rifles to the PD. There was some talk after the event from a couple of the anti-firearms ownership pukes about having him charged with violatint various gun laws because he did not make the "required" checks. That idea did not fly.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
I don't recall which issue, but Soldier of Fortune did a very good article on this. The cops came running into the store asking for hardware. The store clerk called the owner at home. The owner had 'em record SN's and load magazines for the AR's. I know he got at least one AR back, seems like he donated it and they auctioned it off to raise money for LAPD widows fund or similar. The threats to file on him were short-lived, and I'm not sure if they were genuine or rumor. Any of you SOF readers got the issue around?

When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; IT IS that they shall be destroyed forever...Psalms 92.7


New member
Dont know about the rest of it but I remember seeing the Advertisement for the sale of the AR's I think in the shotgun news not too long ago. I also recall the gunshop cooperating rather than being forced into giving guns to the officers.
At least the robbers had thought it out. Without those ar's they were close to unstopable. Frightening look into the future of crime.


New member
As Cooper said, an old Marlin or Win. lever 30/30 would have ended it right away. An awful lot of criticism was warranted for some very poor police work, both before the incident and during. They had just pulled the shotguns from the duty cars two weeks before the robbery. Don't make sense????

From my cold dead hands.