A Case For Gun Control

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Mugabe's government in Zimbabwe is the Duly Constituted Authority, according to the UN and multitudes of State Departments or the equivalent thereto.

In the article, http://www.newsday.com/news/nationw...04627.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines from Sunday's World Net Daily, some 6.7 milion people in Zimbabwe are starving.

It is fortunate that Zimbabwe has gun control, and that the citizenry--other than those allied with the DCA--have no firearms. If they had firearms, they might go so far as to have a revolution against the DCA. This could lead to deaths by violence of hundreds of thousands of people.

Would that not be far worse than the death by starvation of millions?

Sarcasm mode off.



New member
Peace in our time...even if it means millions starving...

...is along the lines of thinking of those who believe it is better to be a victim than to defend yourself with one of those eeeeeeevil firearms. That thinking is entirely foreign to me, and incomprehensible. And reprehensible, as well


New member
I feel sorry for the 6.7 million people starving. Well not all, just the childern and very very old. But not for the other 6 million. They have the advantage of numbers.

Kill one DCA take his gun, kill ten more take those guns, etc. etc.

If they don`t care about themselves, and want to starve. Why should anyone else care. I would rather kill the DCA and eat the fresh kill, cooked over an open fire pit. You could feed a 10 man Squad for a couple days. Better than starving. Bon Apatite "sp".:rolleyes:


New member
Interesting that Mugabe's government confiscated white owned farms to achieve "land redistrubtion" to the peasant underclass. Also interesting to note the most productive and largest farms have gone not to the underclass squatters but to cronies of Mugabe including one 3,000 acre piece to his wife. In addition, many of the confiscated properties were productive, modern agribusiness concerns with ample ability to produce enough to feed the burgeoning population of Zimbabwe. Once confiscated, the crops withered for lack of management and arable land now lies fallow. Mugabe has proven himself to be little more than a thug and a dictator drunk on power and self aggrandizement. Nelson Mandela he is not.


New member
Don't worry... the ugly Christian Americans will be feeding them soon. They'll need their strength if their gonna hate us.


New member
Heck, I thought this thread was about cases that help keep your guns from bumping into each other.

Jim V

New member
There were plenty of warnings in '79/'80 that Rhodesia/Zimbabwe could look forward to this sort of thing once the ANC took control after the "fair and honest" elections.

I still say that every politician from here and England that worked hard to assure that Mugabe took power should be forced to immigrate to Zimbabwe and live under the thug's rule.

At one time one could go to Rhodesia and look at the ruins at Zimbabwe and now one can go to Zimbabwe and look at the ruins of Rhodesia.


New member
"There were plenty of warnings in '79/'80 that Rhodesia/Zimbabwe could look forward to this sort of thing once the ANC took control after the "fair and honest" elections."

Yes, JimV, I saw this coming years ago. FWIW, a few of us keep track of the sorry situation ( and the lack of press coverage of it ) here:

