A Break-in Question

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Not about how or what process or any of that:

Roughly, in what year did you first hear of any specific break-in process?

Me, it was 1999, here at TFL.

:), Art


New member
It was 93 when I bought a 22-250, but did not believe it. After reading and hearing it I decided to try it out on my 270 Win rifle. josh


New member
1973' When I bought my Ruger .44 Mag. Carbine. Never broke it in though, just took it to the range and started using it. It was a gem. When I did my part, I shot 2 to 3 inch groups at 100 yards with the factory sights. I sold it years ago and still kick myself in the @ss for selling it......:(


New member
10/31/2007 at about 7:40 Est.....:D

actually only about 5 years ago and it was only mentioned by a bench shooter friend. no hunting/ casual plinker eyer mentioned it before.