A bit over kill for varmits, but whatever.


New member
Ok, I have a couple of questions. The first is about ferrel hogs. What is a good round for these nasty critters? I have a Mini 14 and an older Ruger M77 chambered for a .270. Also, I have been considering retiring my M77 and getting a more modern gun. What would some of you folks recommend for a gun thats not terribly expensive, but not really cheap either.


New member
get an ak in 7.62x39 and has a 30 round mag :D a decent one will cost 4-5 hundred but you could get a cheapie for 250-300 - saiga's run about that much and are actually pretty decent.


New member
Well you could get qualified for the CMP. I'm far from an expert but a M1 should throughly ruin a hogs day.


New member
best bod, im looking for something that will double as a small game vaporizer as well. the 7.62/39 doesn't make prairie dogs and such go splat like i want them too. a good bud of mine has an ak and its a blast to shoot, but i really would prefer a bolt action.

Fat White Boy

New member
Third to the .270. I have all one shot kills but one. If your Ruger shoots straight, keep it. Save your money for a dedicated varminter in .223 in a few months...


New member
Every Man Needs a Shot Gun! 00) will do the job!:rolleyes:

While in Turkey It worked for me. That is all we was allowed to use. The Turks used B.P. and got the job done.

We hunted them in 4ft saw grass and you could smell them, hear them and only saw them within 5 ft. Scary ****.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Lotsa guns equal to that Ruger, but none that are particularly better. Same for the .270 cartridge.

Don't let that stop you from getting a new toy, though. :D Just remember you're doing different, not necessarily better...



New member
Thanks fellows. Also pertaining to the .223, im at a loss when it comes to different bullet grains and weights and all that. Im a sort of newbie when it comes to this stuff, i figured i should work on my shooting first. is that backwards?

Adventurer 2

New member
I own a 270 Ruger M77 Mark II. That is my "Big Game" rifle. I also own a 223 which is great for varmints. Yeah, you can shoot varmints with a 270 and some people hunt deer with a 223 but if I were going to use one rifle for both it would be the 243. I do own one. I keep two zeros on the scope - one for 58 grain bullets (varmint) and the other for 100 grain bullets (deer). I don't hunt ferral hogs but maybe somebody else could confirm or deny the 243 for that task.


New member
416 Rigby

That may sound silly, and it might be. I've never hunted hogs, but I had a friend who used to hunt them over grain/feeder in north Texas. He started out with the 44 magnum, upgraded to 444 Marlin, and last I saw he was using 416 Rigby. He indicated to me that having some of those really large hogs charge at you and NOT stop with the 444, schooled him on having enough gun. The sincerity conveyed by his expression left an impression on me.

Like I said, I've not gone hog hunting, but if I DO, one day, I'll get me something really big.:eek:


New member
ive heard stories of hogs taking a .45 point blank in the head and just getting pissed off. I had to shoot the legs out from underneath one with my mini 14 (i dont know how i did it, i was halfway out the window of my truck while my girlfriend was driving down my runway) and it was still trying to get away. those critters are tough.


New member
If 243. will take down a 2oo lb mule deer I'm shure it will do a hog!. 75 grain bullet does eval thing to a coyote! 6mm in and 8" out other side.


New member
My .45-70 Marlin Guide gun seems like it would make excellent pig medicine if loaded with a 400+grn Softpoint or hardcast bullet. The suggestion of a 12ga shotgun is a good one too but I'd probably go for slugs rather than buckshot.


New member
i think im gonna go with a .308. seems like a good blow the crap out of stuff round, either in a kimber montana or a cz 550 kevlar varmit.