A Beer 24 years ago, or an ice tea 1 year ago?

MP Freeman

New member
Which is more important? I have to say Iced Tea. Where was the pack of reporters after it appeared that Al Gore lied under oath when he said he wasn't aware the the Buddhist Temple event was a fund raiser, and then had a memo come up that showed he was at a meeting at which the term "fund raiser" was used several times in describing the event? His "explaination" was that he had been drinking a lot of iced tea in that meeting and must have just happened to have been in the bathroom everytime the term "fund raiser" was used. Where was the widespread outrage at lame excuses and lies then?




New member
MP - I like your title and your text. Suggest you email it to Ken Hamblin ... bac@compuserve.com - I believe he'd appreciate it for Monday's broadcast.
