

New member
I have a 100 grain, plated, hollow base, round nose bullet. I also have a 100 grain, plated, flat bottom, round nose bullet. How can these two weigh the same?


New member
because they have the same amount of mass?

I have 100gr long .308 rifle bullets and 100gr short 9mm bullets and 100gr long .38 bullets, all of different shapes and sizes. they make em like that.....


Okay y'all.. take it easy. He didn't provide some important info (dimensions primarily) so let's see if he has a legit response once he thinks about his question. If he's new, it might not be so obvious.


New member
Axismatt, not to worry about the responses. If someone wants to have a little fun, that's ok with me but, Skizzums is correct in his response. Here's the deal. I'm not a newbie re-loader.

These bullets are not mine; they belong to a fellow re-loader. I was at his loading bench, a few days ago when he showed me the bullets. We did not measure the length, which will be done tomorrow morning. I will post the results but from me handling the bullets, they look identical. If they are the same, how do we explain the same weight? Yeah, yeah, I know, they have the same mass. These are Berry's Bullets. Nick C S is probably right. There is a length difference. We'll find out tomorrow morning.


New member
The way I understand it, making a round nose bullet with a hollow base moves the mass forward. Sort of like a dart, nose heavy is more stable.

Another reward is it also makes the full caliber section, or AKA the driving band, longer for more barrel contact. That is as long as the nose shape is the same. Longer driving band area, more surface for the rifling to grab, more potential accuracy.

Since the bullet is a tad longer, you may need to seat it deeper to arrive at the same OAL. This shouldn't make a difference as for the powder charge as the hollow base makes for the same volume as a flat base bullet seated shallower.


New member
Here is the result of the measurement of the two bullets. Nick CS is correct, the bullets are different lengths. The flat bottom bullet is .449 and the hollow base is .470.

Sorry I bothered all of you with this.


New member
Here is the result of the measurement of the two bullets. Nick CS is correct, the bullets are different lengths. The flat bottom bullet is .449 and the hollow base is .470.

Sorry I bothered all of you with this.

So my splaination didn't qualify for an atta boy!? Why Do I bother!:(:confused:


New member
Atta boy snuffy , most excellent esplaination to it!

I was going to say they lied, one was heavier than the other....
Hey did anybody weigh them two bullets???


New member
Attaboy, snuffy! Great comparison of darts and bullets, but not an answer to the original question, which was how can two things that weigh the same, weigh the same?