9mm will this work?


New member
I've got berry's plated 115 gr useing Universal 4.5 gr and a col of 1.10.

This is my first try at the 9mm what do you think of that load?

C-Z 75 p-01 and Sigma.


New member
You have started at the maximum listed load.


Which manuals have you read that suggested this method, of starting at the max load???????


New member
That's why I asking. Berry's say low to mid FMJ data. Only listing at Hogdgon is 115 lead 4 to 4.5 Jacketed 4.5 to 5. So I'm asking.


New member
Generally cast and plated bullets are over sized by .001 or so. I would recommend starting at low cast loads and work up to mid FMJ loads. I would not pull the ones you have, just work up to it looking for pressure signs.

Normally I just load 5 or 10 of each (in your case starting at 4gr) load, starting at lowest and working up by .2gr's, inspecting a few samples from each level as you go.


New member
First, check at least two sources and START at the lowest STARTING load.
Second, thin plated bullets like Rainier and Berry's should be loaded like lead.
Third, you should take at least 10% off the jacketed starting load for your starting load.
Fourth, do not go to a MAX load unless you have worked up to it and it shows no pressure signs in your gun.
Below is a compilation of load date. One is for 115gn jacketed bullets. I don't have ANY lead loads for 115gn bullets and Universal.
Based on the jacketed data, I would start at 3.6-4.0 gn. Based on lead bullet data for a heavier bullet, I would start at 4.0gn (1/10 higher than the data for a heavier bullet) and work up to 4.5gn. I would not load a thin-plated bullet up to max 9x19 velocities and would be looking for accuracy and, if needed, a given power factor.
Bullet Weight Powder Weight Velocity Start/Max Power Factor COL
FMJ/JHP 115 Universal 4.0 1000 Start 115
GDHP, J-all 115 Universal 4.5 1045 Start 120
GDSP 115 Universal 4.5 1029 Start 118
FMJ/JHP 115 Universal 4.5 1100 Max 127
GD-HP, TMJ, JHP 115 Universal 4.7 1046 Start 120
FMJ 115 Universal 5.0 1149 Max 132
GDHP, HP-XTP 115 Universal 5.0 1149 Max 132 1.1250
Speer GD SP 115 Universal 5.0 1149 Max 132
Speer GD-HP, TMJ, JHP 115 Universal 5.3 1172 Max 135
Nosler HP 115 Universal 5.3 1235 142
Sierra JHP 115 Universal 5.4 1246 143
Speer L-RN 125 Universal 3.9 899 Start 112 1.130
Speer L-RN 125 Universal 4.3 991 Max 124 1.130


New member
From Berry's Site.


Plated bullets occupy a position between cast bullets and jacketed bullets. They are soft lead, but have a hard outer shell on them. When loading plated bullets we have found best results using low- to mid-range jacketed data in the load manual. You must use data for a bullet that has the same weight and profile as the one you are loading. Do not exceed mid-range loads. Do not use magnum loads.

I've read on this site as well as others use Jacked Load Data when reloading them.


chris in va

New member
Be sure your CZ will accept that bullet profile with that OAL. My 75BD has an extremely short leade and I have to seat bullets deeper than normal, which also requires a REDUCED charge, usually minimum.


New member
that's what i'm trying to do. 4.5 is min for jacketed loads as for as i can tell. so if I load shorter col what would work 4.3 . Hell that's what I asking help for. Every manul or web site says something different.


New member

You should read about and understand reloading theory, commonly found in the front of manuals, before starting to load at all. Your questions should be answered there. Asking as you have done is great, but I get the impression you either do not have your own manuals, or have not read them in detail.

Shortening the OAL (COL) will increase pressure. With your current max load you are probably safe, but you will have no idea if it is the most accurate. Working up in increments is the accepted practice.


New member
I've got berry's plated 115 gr useing Universal 4.5 gr and a col of 1.10.

What bullet profile? For a RN I think that's too short, for a FP or HP that should be close. I load the plated round nose at 1.135 and the FP have to be seated down to 1.035 to chamber in my CZ 75BD Police.


New member
I went with 4.5 Universal Berry's plated Rn 115 gr with a col of 1.125. We'll see . Thanks All
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New member
Load worked out just fine. Had two that didn't feed in the C-Z out of 50. Put them in the Sigma and fed just fine, maybe missed the 1.125 Col on them. So 52 through the S&W Sigma with no problems.

Berry's 115 gr plated at 1.125 COL with 4.5 Universal Clays great load for my 9's.

Next up Berrys 124 plated HBRN.


New member
Bossman, what load manual are you using? I'm using the latest Hornady edition, and the lowest load listed for power pistol was 4.8, so that's where I started. Maximum COL was 1.169 and the COL listed for the particular bullet was 1.100. I ended up seating them at 1.100. Questions-

1) The hornady manual lists data for a hornady 115 gr FMJ round nose. I'm using the same bullets as the OP- will that data still work for the bullets I'm using?

2) I compared the COL to a random selection of rounds from a box of WWB and they were landing anywhere from 1.169 down to 1.150. Will the fact that I seated mine down to 1.100 cause high pressure?
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New member
Berry's plated should be used at the min. start for FMJ up to mid FMJ . Starting at a min. load you should be ok with COL. Are looking at lead or FMJ for your starting load?